Dec 13, 2010 20:05
I am back, to a computer which will only run in safe-mode and cable that keeps going out. Such a joy to be home. Now shopping for a new computer which I cannot afford and will have to go through dell since I have a credit account with them. Is this current lap top paid off? That would be a hell to the no.
But at least I saw snow in TN.
Will update more soon. Thank you everyone for the cards!
EDIT: Basically bought the most basic dell I could with Windows 7 and Microsoft Home. It was still just under $600 with free shipping. I hate dell, but at least this time I'm not spending over $1,000 on a pos. I'm having to re-adjust the budget to do the minimum payments for the next few months. I hate doing that but things are what they are. Since I can't even use the old pc anymore I'm wondering if I can sell that for, like, $30 for parts.
Why does this shit always happen at the end of the year?
But, yeah, let me talk about TN. There was family, laughter, and tears. Poor Nicole is on crutches right now, which made our time in the airport and Opryland Hotel so much fun. Esp. when today when they made Nicole climb down the stairs of the plane. The captain held her crutches and bag while she used Andrew for balance.
Anyway, it was a trip of family time. We got snowed-in on Sunday while watching football games and movies. I ate more food than I have in months. Both my Aunt and Uncle are amazing cooks. As are my grandparents. There was a lot of talk about Dad which always makes me tear up, but it's good to hear them.
I would put pictures here of the lights at Opryland, but, you know, safe mode.
We watched The Expendables which was good for what it stands for and From Paris, With Love which cracked me the fuck up.
dude where's my dell,
vista hell,
computer issues,