Day 06 - Favorite episode of your favorite TV show
OMG, so hard. Okay I’m going to limit myself to ten, b/c I can’t pick one show or one genre
Buffy: Becoming 1&2, Anne, Fear, Itself, Hush
Firefly: Out of Gas, The Message, Serenity
Dead Like MeCSI:
Funny: Lab Rats, Rashomama,
Serious: Invisible Evidence, Play With Fire, Gum Drops
Overall: Grave Danger, parts 1&2, Slaves of Las Vegas
Overall: Grace Period, Frame-Up, Kill Ari (1 and 2), SWAK
Funny-ish: Heartland, Red Cell, Cover Story
Serious: Bloodbath, Requiem, Twilight
Overall: Faith, Provenance, In the Beginning
Funny: Changing Channels, Yellow Fever, Hell House, Ghostfacers, Two Minutes to Midnight
Serious: In My Time of Dying; Lazarus Rising, Crossroads, On the Head of a Pin, The Song Remain the Same
Funny: Echoes
Serious-ish: Tao of Rodney; (I sort of loved Season Three)
Overall: Rising parts 1 and 2
How I Met Your Mother: Slap Bet
Doctor Who (New Series):
Overall: Blink, Turn Left
Serious: Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways, Last of the Time Lords, The Stolen Earth
Funny: Tooth and Claw, The Shakespeare Code, Partners in Crime
Farscape: Um, all of them? I mean, gah. I can’t pick just one or just 15. I guess if I had to, with a gun held to my head, I’d pick “Crackers Don’t Matter” but out of 4 seasons and 1 mini-series/tv movie there are maybe 5 episodes I did not love with all my heart.
Day 07 - Least favorite episode of your favorite TV show
Buffy: Beer Bad
Firefly: None
Dead Like Me: Pretty much enjoyed all of them.
CSI: Unbearable
NCIS: Silver War, Driven
Supernatural: The Benders, Route 666, Bugs, Skin, Long-Distance Call
SGA: Sunday (wtf, space tumors?), most of Season Five, Irresistible.
How I Met Your Mother: All of season four?
Doctor Who: Rose (Look, I like Nine, I like Rose, I do not like this episode, at all.)
Farscape: Taking the Stone
Day 08 - A show everyone should watch
Farscape. Seriously. Go watch it now.
In other news:
Computer broke for about 5.5 hours today. I had a mini-breakdown b/c of the many things I cannot afford to buy right now, a new computer is at the top of the list. Dell and I are pretty much divorced right now, one of those bad ones, and once this lap top is paid off we are done.
Massive amounts of packing done. Can't clean much b/c all the trash cans and recycle bins are full, and no one likes to look at a room full of trash bags, but I'm still going to try and do my best. Once I get paid on thursday, I will be able to order 4 rolling footlocker from the evil empire that is Wal-Mart which will help with packing away a good bit of the clothes, really heavy books, and boots. Right now, the biggest thing is getting the place ready for the mom's visit.
Now, to re-watch Firefly b/c I'm in that mood.