So, if anyone here has ever watched Saiyuki or read the manga, you remember that story where they ran into the imposters? This episode is kind of like that.
While this is def. about dropping an A-bomb on the Fourth Wall. It's also very meta. Like fan-version meta. Why would someone want to be a hunter? Honestly. It brings in the whole fate vs free will bit, the whole born into it vs learning it. The whole insider vs outsider. I like it.
I know a lot of people were worried this was going to be mocking the fans, but to me, it doesn't do that. Look, if you're ever been to a con, you know what some of the people are like there and SPN is rolling in crazy tinhatting fangirls that creep us as other fans out, imagine what the actors and creators feel like. At least they acknolwedge the fact that there is such a thing as fandom, that it does have a voice, and in parts of this episode, the fans become heores in their own ways.
The episode was funny and creepy at the same time. Ghost children also freak me out, have since Are You Afraid of the Dark and Salem's Lot. The "my mommy loves me" kid, I may have actually yelped at the big reveal. (I'm not a big fan of headwounds.) Evil, evil children, evil, evil, evil children.
The throwbacks to the hook man, croatoan, the banishing of evil ghost children carrying knives with an iron poker, all make me smile. If this is the last season, I will be okay. Seriously. There's so many throwback to the past, in tie-ins from previous episodes, that is does feel like it's all coming together and how often do we get that in a show?
I also love Chuck. So much. Also, Barnes and Damieon (I think), love them. So sweet.
The violins when Becky breaks up with Sam. OMG, so funny!
Crowley! I know it's not THE Crowley. But still, CROWLEY! Demon CROWLEY! LOVE!
The only thing I would have added: The Ghostfacers, or someone dressed up as the Ghostfacers.
A GAP commercial with singing and dancing was just followed by a Chilli's "Baby Back Ribs" one with the song. Apparently, recession means ad agencies go back to what worked in the past.