Who was the asshat who forgot to turn her clocks back last night?
Yup, me. And now I am up, far too early and cannot go back to bed.
At least the Yankees won last night, though I know people are going to be bitching about that homerun call. People, it clearly would have gone out of the park if it wasn't for the camera. Blame Fox, I always do.
Also had a lovely aim chat with
azure_raven last night which still makes me smile. But also sadface, b/c Holley, I miss you so much! Also, I haven't been on aim forever and wow, has that changed.
I guess now is a good a time as any to get some writing done.
This will require music.
Also, put a post up on DW for Halloween/All Souls/All Saints/Day of the Dead, featuring some of my many graveyard photos. Post is
here,and it's huge.