Oct 20, 2009 21:27
You know, there's been a lot of debates about getting instant replay in baseball. Both sides have good arguments but the current clusterfuck that's been the 2009 postseason is making a pretty good argument for the "yea" side.
Take tonights Angels-Yankees game:
-Runner at second called safe, when clearly was tagged out.
-Runner from third to home, scoring a run, get's called out for leaving third base too early and therefore the run gets struck from the board and then gets called out. Replay on tv broadcast, clearly showed he did not. Esp. since the crew chief wasn't even looking at the runner from third base. If the Yankees lose this one, you can bet someone is sending a pissed off e-mail to Bud Selig.
--one point in favor for Yankees, one huge point subtracted.
I mean, having really important calls put down to essential eye witnesses (who, any person in law enforcement will tell you, are about as reliable as a blind person wearing a dark flannel sheet) comprised of middle-aged men bring a lot of judgment calls into question.
Will baseball ever get instant-replay? I doubt it. I just can't see an umpire marching on to the mound and being all "player xyz did not properly tag all the bases and is therefore out." Also, it would cause issues having umpires mic'ed b/c there is a lot of cursing in baseball. Not to say there aren't in other sports, but baseball is relatively insualr in that respect. And it is still a good ole' boys club and a good ole' boys sport and the tradition does make it a little bit of a novelty.
But who knows? It's not like anyone could have predicted the DH. And that it would stay.
EDIT: And giveth again. Dude, that was like a double-play pickle and even I, as a Yankees fan, can say both guys were out and the inning should have been over there. Seriously, what the fuck is that crew chief on? And dear beloved Jorge, I love you, I love your adorable children and beautiful wife, but buddy do we need to go back to Baserunning 101? Don't make me whip out the Bull Durahm lollygaggers speech, b/c I'll do it.
In other news:
-Flipped mattress by myself last night at 11:00pm, you know, as one does. Other side of mattress is very sturdy with no pillow-top. It's kind of like sleeping on a stone slab, but the other side was screwing my already quirky spine up even more and other side was not allow me to get a proper night's sleep. I am currrently on the hunt for a relatively cheap mattress pad. I am thinking of staking out Macy's this weekend.
-Mom has a sort of plague that makes her all full of snot and sickly. Sister has caught it now too, but they got it so early that hopefully everything will be okay. Carrie is one tough cookie, even if her immune system pretty much doesn't exist. My brother is being of no help, but does that surprise anyone? No. It just makes me all sad when my mom gets all, "I wish you were here to make me tea, and put washcloths on my face, and get me kleenex and water." And then I start feeling guilty for not being there, but it's not like I can just hop a flight home.
-I am streamlining Metric's albums right now. I always meant to d/l their stuff after the Best Music Poll in August, and I finally have. Man, this year has been great in terms of music discovery for me. Bat for Lashes, The Gaslight Anthem, Florence + the Machine, Metric, Ladyhawke, etc etc.
real life,
the plague,