Oh, thursday TV

May 14, 2009 22:21

In which I squee about SPN and rant about CSI:NY. Spoilers for both.

Dear Writers of Supernatural,

But tonight, tonight dear writers, I adore you. You did not take the disney ending way out. You killed Lilith, made angels evil, confirmed that Ruby was as evil a we all assumed, denied that there is a God, destroyed Sam's sanity and sense of self, and brought on the motherfuckin' Apocalypse. Now, granted, Cas getting turned into Angel Dust sucks, but hey, he died doing something worth fighting for. You, dear writers, you get a handclap.

Also, Bobby. Bobby. Bobby. I did not think I could love Bobby more. I was wrong.

Dear Writers of CSI:NY,

In fact, our relationship's been strained since you changed the look and tone of the show from season one. Season one which, btw, was better than any other CSI show ever. But no, you didn't like the dark and the grim that a show set in New York SHOULD HAVE B/C IT IS AN OLD AND DARK AND GRITTY CITY, and you killed off Aiden, or she asked to leave. Either way, we've not been on good terms.

Then you fucked with The Who even more. Just, no.

I never watch your show anymore. The whole Danny/Lindsay bs b/c you writers can't be creative and pull a storyline out of somewhere to explain away your pregnant actress for a few months. So you write it into the show for no good reason (and really, the last time Danny and Lindsay were together was two seasons ago. What? Was she carrying that child for a year?). After all this, you keep said actress on the show even though she really can't act. She has no vocal inflection, no delivery, she's blah.

Anyway, I turned on the show tonight and watched the first 10 mins by accident. It's thursday, you're not supposed to be here. But there you were. Out of all the characters to kill off, you picked Angell. A good character, played by an amazing actress, whose realtionship with other characters on the show made sense.

CSI:NY, you and I were already on the road towards a bitter break-up. I think now, we are done.

Now time to do some more editing. Final version of Capstone to come. Eeek. Also, tomorrow is Friday, which means week from hell is almost over. This is good, since I am getting much more bitchy at work and am at whole new levels of tired.

spn, grad school, tv, castiel

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