Oct 09, 2008 19:50

In Charlotte, good to be home. I got at the airport hella early and so asked to be bumped to an earlier flight. It was only $50, I was expecting $100, so that was a good surpirse.

Flight went well, even though it was packed. I got into CLT at 10:00am. I wasn't even scheduled to leave Boston until 11:15am, so the early flight was so worth the price.

I am now the proud owner of many things:
I have new phone! I adore it! It holds a charge. It's an LG Venus. It's still taking some getting used to, but really, I enjoy the new phone. I hated the Razor so much. I was tempted to go back to a Samsung, but I the LG just called to me.

We have a new puppy! He's not home yet, b/c he has to get his little boys cut off, but we get to pick him up tomorrow. His name is Pippin. Now, before you roll your eyes at the typical work of a Tolkien fan, Tolkien was actually the last on my list when it came to this name. I knew it had to be something different, b/c he's going to be the first male dog we've had in ages. He is such a calm and quiet and sweet little thing who took to my mother at once. Anyway, "Pippin" is the name of my mother's all-time favorite musical. He was also the son of Charlemenge, and the name came to me, honestly, b/c Scottie came out ofmy mouth, then I thought of Scott Pippen, and yeah. So, Pippin. Who will be called Pip, Pippip, and Little Boy. He's white with brown spots and a mutt mix of, at least, English Pointer, Lab, and pitt bull. Pictures, of course, will be posted as soon as he comes home.

Also spent way too much on Halloween Decor and stuff at World Market. Well, I say that, but it's money I planned on spending anyway, just over thursday and friday. Since I got in so early, most of the stuff from Friday got moved to today.

Half the halloween decor is up, but I had to take a break b/c the bugs were eating me alive. I am now going to chill for a bit, watch some CSI, take a shower, then get ready for tomorrow. Doctor time. Oh, the joy.

real life, clt, pets

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