I've sort of started doing Tae-bo amp'ed. Sort of as in, well, the first 10-12 mins. I am going to need to build up a lot more endurance before I can the whole actual program every single day. And then, eventually with the amp'ed bar. All my walking is just not cutting it anymore and I need to get more of a work-out. So, yes, we're starting at 10-12 mins each day for 7 days. Next set will be 15-20. Then so on and so forth. The discs range between 31-55 mins, so maybe by this time next year I can do the whole program.
Also: Must stop my current yogurt and rice cake diet. While I am burning more than I'm taking in, I'm also not eating enough and therefore burning muscle and make my metabolism slow to a crawl.
...but really, nothing helps work off the agression like all this kicking and punching. Seriously, if I had a gym anywhere near here, kick-boxing for beginners and I would so be down.
As for CSI tonight: Damn, do I love it when Nick runs. I know, shallow of me, but damn. That man looks so good when he runs. Also, Method Man really has made me laugh this episode. And get teary-eyed at the end.
As for my possible Dark-hunter fanfic. I had this great idea for an original character, one to be a Theti squire as an ME or a Coroner (I'm not sure which system LA goes by, it varies state to state)....and then I finally get my hands on Dream Chaser and wouldn't you know it, main female character is an ME. Though, from reading the back cover, it makes me laugh my ass off that the character's name is Simone Dubois and she has a small resemblance by way of job description and "powers" to Allison Dubois. ::Snort:: Still, I'll probably keep my character. (Seriously, if I was even a bit more skilled a math, I would be trying to pursue another degree in forensic anthropology, but alas, my math skills suck and you kind of need those for the height/weight predictors based off bones and for various other measurements.)
....did I just see my favorite Discovery Channel boys, akas the Mythbusters, on the preview for next week's CSI? Yes, no, anyone know?
Hobbit movie news Hmm...okay, so sequel=what? I mean, I've been out of the loop, so are they breaking the book in half?
As for the director, I do adore his cinematic style. And I can see it fitting in the cinematic style of the LotR films. I am curious to see what the outcome will be.