Today's entry...

May 22, 2007 17:12 sponsored by the word "Fuck" and the variants therein.

So, finished paper, on less than 4 hours of sleep (lots of cursing) and turned it in 4 hours early. Got my meds so I won't run out while I am in Charlotte (wouldn't want a heart attack, now would we?). Started to pack and then remembered I had to turn in the grad student office key I have and the 7 books for my research paper. As I turned into the kitchen to grab my water bottle, I slammed my elbow into the nice, tough, hard wooden frame of my kitchen door.

And the expletive was heard throughout the neighborhood. The bleeding has stopped, thankfully, but it still hurts. It's right above my elbow, a part of the arm that tends to rest on tables and things.

Finished the errands and after glaring death at the kid who stepped in front of me on the T, meaning he got to sit down while I got to stand, I was making my very tired way through the parking lot of my T stop. It's a fun little maze where one must dodge cars to get to the sidewalk and, well, the road. During the day the parking lot is packed, so you have to play the "where's the walk-able gap" game. As I was trying to do this, I turned to go through one of the open spaces....except, it wasn't open. Seriously, I kid you not, a dude was laying on a towel, in the parking lot, in one of the empty slots, sun bathing. No, I am not lying. And yes, this is right up there with the pigeon riding the T story.

I still have a lot to do before I fly out at the ass crack of dawn tomorrow and I am severely behind on e-mails and lj entries, but I need some sleep. Like now. Just letting people know I am not dead, yet, and hey, my first year of grad school is over.

Now, Holley, aduial_peredhel any last things needed for Animazement?

real life, grad school, shannon is a whiny brat

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