Things I Should Be Doing Now:
If not sleeping, writing my prospectus on that thesis thing due wednesday.
If not writing my etc etc, reading Whose Detroit? for my Post-1945 class on tuesday.
If not reading etc etc, reading The Hitler of History for my Hitler class.
If not reading etc etc, writing for my fiction.
What I am doing:
Messing around lj
Watching Firefly
Wondering just what that thesis prospectus will be on
Cursing myself for that last glass of diet coke
Wondering why Saltue Your Shorts and Welcome Freshman and Daria are not on sale as dvds.
Wondering when the ion channel will stop showing Wonder Years and start showing Salute Your Shorts and Hey Dude
Wondering when Nick at Nite will do the same
Wondering why I'm wondering about this
Knowing it's probably that not sleeping thing.
Younger cousins are at Disney world with parents. My mother was told to watch the hamster, the really old hamster with the tumors. Said hamster died earlier tonight in my mother's care. Mother is wondering who made her an agent of pet death. It does not help that a puppy she was watching a week ago just got run over two days ago(not in her care, nor her fault, but it still makes her really sad. Apparently it was just a tiny little thing).
She thought my brother's iguana had died a few weeks ago. Even poked it before telling him. Andrew came home from work, threw open the cage to take the thing out...yup, thing was still alive and Andrew almost had a heart attack.
Mom is still laughing over that.
Sister must go to the doctor soon. The nurse...thinks there's a lump on her breast. ::rolls eyes:: I trust this nurse about as far as I can throw a Hummer but my mom's going with the "better safe than sorry." I agree with that but this nurse is...don't get me started. She complains about how much works she has to do. What does she normally do at my house? Watch tv, smokes, talks to my mom, surfs the internet, talks on her phone, reads gossip magazines etc etc.
Oh, family.
Finally, as we will probably have to pay someone to fix the site; I've made the forum public. You can find the link on the sidebar of my lj.
It's nearly 4am..I should attempt that sleep thing again.
Sorry for the typos...really don't care at the moment.