Feb 24, 2004 16:54
Well, I was going to do the Ash Wed. lecture. Instead, I walk into the room and my room mate says, "You won't believe what he's trying to do."
Who is the he?
George W. Bush.
What is he trying to do?
Get a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage.
Excuse me, what the fuck?
Isn't that...oh, I don't know...Unconstitutional!?!
:: pause for screaming::
I just don't get it.
A) Marriage is not even a federal concern. Point blank, it's just not.
B) Separation of Church and State
C)The Bill of Rights
D) Marriage is based on commitment between two people. Not on whether or not they can produce a child. And you know what? While the divorce rate in America is over 50% now, I guarantee you there is not such a high rate among the civil union crowd. They are together because they want to be, and they are committed, they just want to legally be able to show it like every other freaking human being in the world.
All this leads up to is the fact the president obviously either failed American history and philosophy and history in general, or he just doesn't know what is going on.
Furthermore, Dubya, I must say something about this quote of yours:
"“After more than two centuries of American jurisprudence and millennia of human experience, a few judges and local authorities are presuming to change the most fundamental institution of civilization,” the president said. “Their action has created confusion on an issue that requires clarity."
Marriage has NOTHING to do with Civilization.
It has to do with population, a language, a city-state, an economy, and distinct jobs for distinct people.
But nothing, nothing to do with marriage.
Marriage is a part of culture. You can not place this stamp on it which says it can "only be between a man and a woman." You are not omniscient. You don't know it all. Leave it the fuck alone.
Furthermore, I agree with Sen. Kerry's statement. Now, I'm not a democrat (or a liberal or a republican. I just vote for whomever I think has the best platform and will do the best job) but this quote from him makes me want to vote for him. Even if he is, personally, opposed to gay marriage:
"Sen. John Kerry, Bush’s likely Democratic opponent in this year’s election, issued a statement saying that Bush was injecting gay marriage into the national debate as a "wedge issue to divide the American people" and draw attention away from issues such as job losses and foreign policy.
"All Americans should be concerned when a president who is in political trouble tries to tamper with the Constitution of the United States at the start of his re-election campaign," he said."
::bangs head against desk:: Why don't people get it? Why are those in a country claimed to be the "freest" trying to limit and destroy people's lives? Just for once, put yourself in someone else's shoes, pull your head out of you ass, look outside the box, get over yourself, and go on. The world will most likely be a much happier place.
gay marriage