..all my Bush Loving Friends might want to look the other way.
.....I...just...yeah...have suffered a severe eye-twitch and a sore throat from screaming at the screen. I mean, I'm not as pissed as I was last year or even the year before that but still...gah, just gah.
A) No Child Left Behind...most teachers will tell you this is complete and utter bullshit. I know quite a few teacher and the No Child Left Behind BS is causing a lot of issues. Before, it was an issue trying to balance teaching your kids and then having them pass the state test, now they have to deal with the No Child Left Behind and really, yeah, not working. Furthermore, while I agree we do need to do something about science and math can we please, oh, not forgot that little thing known as literacy? (I would rant on history but most kids hate that. Why? Oh, that would because their teachers are force to work with some stupid, idiotic, foolish, does more harm than help, state test).
B) Immigration. Ok, A, Melting Pot is a no-no term among sociologists, anthropologists, and historians. Why? Because it's in correct. Trust me, the debate on the term has been going on for many years, certainly longer than I've been alive, and it's not used for a reason. Furthermore, the term "assimilation" is frowned upon by immigration historians, activists etc. Why? Because it assume that one culture is better than another and that's totally wrong to assume in America, land of the many immigrants, where assimilation= white supremacist attitudes by making the WASP ideals what all others achieve to. Furthermore, total assimilation never has, nor never will, work in America. And if you don't believe me, I have studies I can direct you to, both on the pro and con whiteness studies side. I can't believe his speech writer let that get through.
C) Stop using fear as a motivator. We all know what happened on Sept. 11th. We got it. Stop appealing to it. And oh, by the by, how's that weapons of mass destruction thing going?
D) Leave Lebanon and Darfur out of it all. If you cared so much, shouldn't you have done a bit more to help both situations? Shouldn't you have been promoting care and concern for that over your war on terror and said more troops out to a war zone. Don't taint their honest struggles with your bid to appeal more humanitarian.
E) At least he stayed away from abortion and gay marriage. Though, since an election year is coming up he may just be biding his time.
F) I do agree with giving the soldiers their due but damn it, bring them home, stop sending more out! Haven't they done enough for you? For us?
G) So, how about that unemployment thing? That poverty thing? That working-class and below thing? No? That's what I thought.
H) We do need to do something about energy, yes, I agree, and am curious to see where it's going.
One more year, one more year.