Trials and Tribulations

Oct 27, 2002 03:05

So, while trying to find information on the nicer laptop to ease the insurance wrangling, I checked my credit card information, and was surprised to see two rather large charges I had no memory of making. I called the company, which said they'd put a hold on the account because of suspicious activity (stil not sure what was suspicious; I've been known to drop a thousand dollars in a shopping spree; Z suggests perhaps the charges were all around the country) and declined a bunch of other charges, including my monthly AOL payment. Cancelled the card (meaning I have to change all my online ordering info) and then spent three times as long on the phone with AOL, which ironically tried to sell me a credit monitoring service. How did this happen? I understand using a stolen number to order on the phone and Internet, but this person went to Home Depot, Rack Room Shoes, and a service station, among other places.

Then I called home to tell of my failure, and found that the thieves had apparently taken the spare car key, which was in a drawer and which my parents didn't think to check, and had come back and stolen the car. The car has lo-jack, so they're likely to recover it, though in what condition we don't know. Still stinging from my credit card mishap, I asked if they'd had credit cards lying around. Dad said he wasn't sure but would check.

Z's dad and little sister are in town, and we went to see The Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui. Famous names, clunky but occasionally powerful dialogue, translated to have a Shakespearean ring, not very exciting. Last line was the best: "[We've driven the bastard out], but the bitch that bore him is back in heat."

Oh, before I forget: the final version of Incarnadine is here, and the changes I made (one more explanatory bit, some fiddling with the end, and tiny things elsewhere) make it better, I think, so read that instead.

This is totally unsurprising, since I already have one of these stories in my head:

Which Twisted Wrong SV Pairing Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
I'll probably never write it down, but the fact that I was demented enough to post Incarnadine means that you're not safe.


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