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Comments 5

mahaliem December 3 2020, 17:06:21 UTC
I've been reading a lot of T. Kingfisher, but tend to shy away from horror. Because of that, I've been waffling about whether or not to read The Hollow Places despite liking the author. Knowing it's difficult to judge such a thing for others - how creepy did you find The Hollow Places? Is it the occasional chill up the spine or is it keeping the bedroom lights on at night creepy?


rivkat December 3 2020, 17:15:57 UTC
I did not find it "bedroom lights at night" creepy; it's more "there are holes in the world and if you go through one things can get pretty scary" than "horror is absolutely everywhere." That said, there is a final confrontation where the bad things come after the protagonist and if you will have a problem with previously inanimate objects animating then you should avoid it.


mahaliem December 3 2020, 17:31:52 UTC
I might have to think about it a little more, I guess, but I'll probably give it a go. I appreciate your opinion. Thank you.


ariss_tenoh December 3 2020, 17:26:53 UTC
Re.Vanished Birds: that sounds incredibly depressing.


rivkat December 3 2020, 17:48:30 UTC
Yeah, it was not what I needed at the moment. You can have diverse casts fighting things that are not-racism and still bum me out, it turns out!


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