Nonfiction reviews/Dark Matter

Sep 06, 2015 17:01

Dark Matter: OK, I'm three episodes in and I see that this show, too, put Firefly in a blender with more mainstream tropes.  I approve of this development, though I can't say I have any love for nu!Jayne.

psychology of the built environment )

other tv, nonfiction, reviews

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rheasilvia September 6 2015, 23:04:42 UTC
Glad to hear you like it, even if nu!Jayne hasn't grown on you! (I am interested in hearing how that goes, btw... I really, really didn't like nu!Jayne for the first half of the season or so. Like, *really* not. Now I am wondering who I can bribe to write all the slash. He grew on me like a particularly nasty fungus.)

The premise worked for me very well; I have a thing for amnesia, and the way it allows characters to discover who they really are - free from habit, the well-worn paths and perceived constants of their personal history, and their own (and in this case, other people's) preconceived notions. It's the ultimate mystery, for me: "who am I?".

I also love watching characters who have no relation to each other at all, and don't want one either, are tossed together by circumstance and forced to make the best of it... only to grow into a dysfunctional and reluctant, but ultimately genuinely chosen family, little by little.

I still haven't watched the last eps. Hope the show doesn't let me down. ;-)

(Edited for typo. And formatting. Errm. Sorry.)


rivkat September 7 2015, 02:24:35 UTC
I hope it doesn't let us down too! I accept the possibility that I could change my mind about nu!Jayne. (I used to think Jensen Ackles was a nonentity, in Dark Angel and Smallville.)


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