Gifts for me!

Dec 27, 2014 19:25

I got a very fun Sam/Dean sex pollen story from ephemeralk, Botany of Desire, for

spn_j2_xmas! Dean deliberately goes after sex pollen. This is either his best idea ever or his worst. Sam’s voting for the latter, until things start to go his way.

And another plug for my Yuletide gift, Simple Gifts, The Pretender, Jarod/Miss Parker, General Audiences
Summary: Jarod investigates troubling shortages at a half-way house/shelter that serves displaced and homeless veterans. Along the way he discovers that family is about more than just blood relation.

This case fic gives a really detailed treatment of the family Jarod finds, and into which he’s welcomed. The warmth and love is palpable; the case has a great Pretender feel, including some false steps towards finding the real bad guy and a ‘taste of his own medicine’ punishment for the bad guy; the end has just enough Jarod/Miss Parker to satisfy without getting explicit, and it makes sense for the characters that their moves toward each other would be tentative.

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yuletide, spn, other tv, fan fiction

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