Dear Yuletide Author!

Oct 07, 2013 20:07

Dear Yuletide author: Thank you! Aside from what I said in my specific requests and as indicated by my fairly vague prompts, I focus most on character. I love plot, but I also love angst and hijinks. Other things I like: flawed heroes; cliche-fic like bodyswap that shows why the cliche is useful for revealing character; the Gift of the Magi; getting the thing that you want the most except that it’s broken; characters who recognize that they have powerful emotions but think what they want is irrelevant because they despair of changing the conditions giving rise to their unfulfilled desires; banter; telling the truth in a way that the hearer doesn’t believe it; characters who think they’re lying but aren’t; shaggy dog stories; love and blood and rhetoric; and so on.

I do not mind unhappy endings. I love melodrama and characters who defy melodrama. Although I primarily read slash these days, as you can see from my requests I am also happy with het, and pretty much my only relationship request, if you choose to include one, is not to use female characters as bad guys in order to bring a m/m pairing together.

Specifics: Someday I hope to get the Anna to the Infinite Power Anna/Rowan story of my dreams, but I completely understand if that's not how you roll. I’ll be happy with anything that has Anna struggling to become herself, or achieving herself. Angst and schmoop both welcomed.

Sleepy Hollow: Anything taking Ichabod's time displacement seriously (for show values of seriously, ok) and having him react to things that are very different now would be awesome.  I like Abbie/Ichabod but have no objections to gen or to any other relationships, though I'd like Abbie & Jennifer more as sisters with a troubled but strong connection.

Alphas: Futurefic!  Any relationships are cool, even with characters I didn't list.  I would love to see someone else taking on Dr. Rosen's mantle of morally compromised negotiator with the government, and how the others react.

Covert Affairs: As with Anna to the Infinite Power, I understand this one might not be shared: I really want to see Annie/Auggie where Annie has decided to continue using her sexuality to do her job, and Auggie accepts that she is willing to have sex with her targets without conventional patriarchical jealousy (he doesn't need to be thrilled by it, but I'd rather have him treat it like he treats her being in danger--unpleasant but inherent in the job description--if he's not turned on by it).  If that's not your cup of tea, no big deal!  A lighthearted caper, or a chance for both of them to show off their respective talents, would also be great.  And I'm totally happy with Eyal too, with either or both of them (yum), as long as Annie isn't denigrated to get Auggie and Eyal together.

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