
Sep 30, 2013 21:14

"Fifty-five percent in the CBS/New York Times poll said the debt ceiling should only be raised if spending cuts are also enacted. Another 24 percent didn't want it raised at all. That means 79 percent of Americans disagree with the president who wants the debt ceiling raised without conditions."  Um, no.  It means that at least 24% were drunk at the time of the survey, as Caitlin Moran says.  On which already incurred obligations do these 24% of respondents propose to default?  And I'm not so sure about that 55% either: do they want Social Security cut?  I presume they believe that 10% of our budget goes to foreign aid, or maybe the CDC.  That result means, don't ask survey questions that your audience doesn't understand.

Of course, with this as the "narrative," G-d only knows where we'll end up.

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