Three NYT headlines, one societal clusterf*ck:
West Antarctica Warming Faster Than Thought: "New research suggests that the huge ice sheet there could collapse, with potentially drastic effects on the sea level."
How G.O.P. Shifted to ‘No New Taxes,’ Ever: "Some Republicans fear that the opposition to tax increases is coming at the expense of fiscal responsibility."
The Ultimate Amenity: Grandparents: "Some affluent New Yorkers are buying apartments near their own so their parents can be closer to grandchildren." Something about the juxtaposition just really made me sad at how quickly we are becoming a lifeboat society, and certain people have been pre-allocated the boats.
In slightly different news,
Harvard is offering a MOOC copyright course from 1/28/2013 to 4/22/2013: it’s free, though you have to apply. It should be interesting. Terry Fisher, who will be lecturing, was a speaker at the conference that is in part responsible for the creation of the OTW, because of all the guys on stage talking about how they’d invented this awesome new thing where they edited videogame footage to music. I’m not dinging the creativity of machinima--everyone gets to invent fandom-but it was definitely a moment where it was clear that some public representation from our kinds of fandom was called for, because history was going to be written and policy made with or without us, and with us was better. I would be very curious about how Fisher teaches “user-generated content” these days. It would be neat if one of you guys had the time to sign up and report back!
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