Yuletide reveal, recs, etc.

Jan 01, 2012 13:22

My Yuletide story was Anna to the Infinite Power, Divergence to Infinity.

A couple of other things:

Mutant Rights, Marvel arguing that X-Men are monsters and not humans for tax purposes.

Sweet Eureka episodic goodness, Pterosaurs for All.

Haven, Duke Ex Machina, equally sweet in its own way.

The Middleman, The Infernal Celibacy Rededication. Roxy Wasserman! The Booty Chest!

Fannish freecycle: I now have an extra copy of The Hunger Games. Comment or email me at rivkat at gmail if you want it.  Ties broken by randomness.

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middleman, yuletide, recs, eureka, comics, haven, fanfic by me

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