Just quit Chuck. I was three episodes behind, and now I'm not. I wasn't thrilled with Morgan's prominence, but I could live with it. But the Sarah I knew and loved (I'll give you that she'd take Chuck's last name because of her own issues and because not doing so can still be hard) would not stand and watch with concerned face while Chuck and Casey did the fiery rescuing. And the sexist abomination that was inflicted on Ellie and Awesome, and baby Clara for that matter--words fail me. For now, I'm either pretending that the series ended last season, or maybe that this season consists only of Awesome's ad and the last scene with all of them together minus Awesome's announcement that he's giving up paternity leave. As TWoP said (before I quit that too) this show has always tried to have its cheesecake and eat it too, but now it's all high heels and men protecting women, and that just makes me super sad.
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