
Nov 16, 2011 17:38

So I’m browsing the Yuletide fandoms on my mobile phone, expecting it to be impossible but necessary since my broadband was down-and holy cow, that’s neat!  It collapses into nice little chunks. I now see it also does this on my regular Firefox, though I prefer it in single columns like on the phone. And there’s this “shuffle” button, hunh.

Also I discovered the Justice League Remake/Remodel, so thanks, Yuletide!

First, thanks so much! I’m pretty catholic in my tastes, and I really appreciate finding stories in a rare fandom. As indicated by my fairly vague prompts, I focus most on character. I love plot, but I also love angst and hijinks. Other things I like: flawed heroes, the Gift of the Magi, getting the thing that you want the most except that it’s broken, banter, love strong enough to rock the world, trust, betrayal, power games, bodyswap, genderswap, sex pollen, competence, consequences, telling the truth in a way that the hearer doesn’t believe it, characters who think they’re lying but aren’t, shaggy dog stories, palace intrigue, self-loathing hero/ines, sudden but inevitable betrayal, tragic irony and poetic justice, love and blood and rhetoric, and so on.

I do not mind unhappy endings (or happy ones!); I love melodrama and characters who defy melodrama. Although I primarily read slash these days, as you can see from my requests I am also happy with het, and pretty much my only relationship request, if you choose to include one, is not to use female characters as bad guys in order to bring a m/m pairing together.

comments on DW | reply there. I have invites or you can use OpenID.

yuletide, fan fiction

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