Home stretch of the semester! I read some things!

Oct 25, 2010 21:55

I am, it turns out, totally predictable: after watching Dawg Day Afternoon I want Max/Alec/Joshua. Any good stuff out there? Hmm, I wonder if Dark Angel is a Yuletide fandom. Of course, the way YT works I am as likely to get Alec/Joshua out of such a request, but I could probably live with that.

L.J. Smith, The Forbidden Game: The Hunter/The Chase/The Kill: Jenny and her friends play a strange game-except it’s not a game; they’re stranded in a dangerous world whose terrors are orchestrated by an ominous figure who’s set his sights on Jenny. To survive (and not everybody will), they have to confront their deepest terrors and rely on each other. Nonstandard in that Jenny’s attraction to the Bad Boy is not the right thing, not easy for her to deal with, and not enough to override her love for the ordinary guy who loves her back. This isn’t really the kind of YA that I can truly enjoy too-the characters are too flat for that, and the colorful settings don’t make up for that, but I’d happily give it to a young reader, especially since it emphasizes the importance of female friendships via showing, not telling.

Terry Pratchett, I Shall Wear Midnight: Tiffany Aching grows up. A bittersweet/melancholy book, which I perhaps felt more because of my awareness of Pratchett’s own situation. There’s something in the air that is leading people to fear and even hate witches, and Tiffany’s the one to fight it. In the course of doing so, she deals with the impending marriage of her ex, a trip to Ankh-Morpork, and the possibility of a romance of her own. Also there are Feegles. There are wry grins here, but it’s not exactly funny.

Fugitive Images: From Photography to Video, ed. Patrice Petro: Hmm, a little too high theory for me-a lot of essays about the meaning of photos, or of particular photos/films, but I felt like there was a lot of effort regurgitating Barthes and Benjamin without adding to them, to the extent that I understood them; I liked Linda Williams's essay about visual pornography and the desiring female body, but it's probably better to reread her Hard Core.

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au: pratchett, au: smith, other tv, nonfiction, reviews, au: various, fiction

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