
Dec 03, 2007 10:09

1. I still have drabble spaces open. Buffy, Chuck, Firefly, Heroes, Nip/Tuck, Smallville, Supernatural, X-Files, or anything else you think I know and might be willing to try. Prompts need not have a holiday/Jewish theme, and drabbles may not either.

2. I have decided, after some wishy-washiness, not to flag entries on this journal using LJ's automated feature. My primary reason is the poor implementation; by replacing all my cut-tags, the feature actually removes information compared to what I usually say, which I believe is sufficient for either automated filters (should someone be unfortunate enough to be using same) or knowing choice. Given that the clickthrough option remains available for adult-marked entries, it is only more annoying than what I do, not more effective, and I am concerned wtih the scheme's effect on things like Google indexing, which is different than the within-LJ search, as to which LJ has provided clear answers about the operation of the system.

I was interested, in going back over my fiction posts, to see how my use of LJ has changed over time. I started out using LJ to post drafts and to point to completed, archived stories, often with very little other information. Poor marketing! Now I treat LJ posts as final forms, except that I edit for typos/other mistakes, and include full information in each intro post. (I did add some adult content warnings to some older posts.) With astolat's handy macros, I'm increasingly inclined to do what she does and post the story to my site with a link at the bottom that lets you leave a comment at LJ -- it's no more work for the reader and may allow me to centralize.

And no, none of this is a First Amendment issue, but it is about how free for speech the internet is going to be, since most of us aren't able to afford our own servers/platforms. I would hate to see the internet reduced to the level of free speech present in the average print newspaper -- plenty valuable in itself, but even better when there's another, unmoderated set of forums out there as well. Two good posts on this, one new and one older.

3. Randomly: was the music in Tin Man last night also the SG music, or was that just me?

fandom, fanfic by me

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