Dear Yuletide writer, and SPN

Oct 19, 2007 10:34

Other than what I said in the signup, I like:

Happy endings; sad endings; cliche-fic like bodyswap that shows why the cliche is useful for revealing character; the Gift of the Magi, where each character sacrifices her/himself for the other; grownups who still desire their parents' approval, whether or not it's forthcoming; the plural of apocalypse; characters who recognize that they have powerful emotions but think what they want is irrelevant because they despair of changing the conditions giving rise to their unfulfilled desires; and many other things -- I hope the prompts spark a premise for you.

With respect to Nip/Tuck specifically: I'm happy if you want to make me like Sean, or if you leave him out of it, or if you mock him as Christian does. But since I don't come to the story from a particularly Sean-friendly perspective, I will need help from you to remember why Christian really does love him (however you choose to interpret that love). Fundamentally, I think Christian's best chance for happiness was with Kimber, though that time may have passed.

(And thank you!)

Minor quibble, but no way would Dean not remember "Lugosi," precisely because of the reference. Also, if you're telling me that unlucky, death-cursed Sam got shot in the shoulder (and not somewhere else, his bad luck having thrown off Bela's aim) and could stand around for a while, then carry a shovel, then you cannot also tell me that he's just human now. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. (Kind of like "Lex has mutant healing" and "Scully's pantyhose were a continuity error.")

yuletide, spn

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