Thanks for the kind wishes and the numerous Spy!Clark suggestions! Like
koimistress, I get antsy at the sight of my name over and over in reply comments, so I'll just say: I appreciate both, and the latter have made me realize that Clark's covert powers can be used in numerous practical, sensible ways that would be extremely hard for me to write dramatically. As a result -- since what I really want is Spy!Lex -- I have reconceptualized the story and I think it might work better that way.
There's a very interesting
article at Salon about celebrity trials and the difference between American tragedy (both sides are in the wrong, the truth may well be unknowable) and classical tragedy (both sides are right and wrong, there's independent value in knowing the truth). I find my Salon subscription well worth the price -- I really hate having to watch ads. But the story is probably worth sitting through some ads for if you are interested in analysis of popular culture.