Jan 02, 2005 22:16
winterbreak is over dammit. I went to Jamaica...again...big surprise. This past trip was my 8th time and sucked compared to all of my other times. The weather was lousy and even though i met a lot of great people, they all drank and smoked pot (which i dont do) so i was bored a lot of the nights. I spent New Years down there. It was an ok night, some of the earlier nights were better since a lot more people who i was better friends with were still there but New Years wasnt that bad. We hung at the beach and used up all of our liquor before like 11 and then just talked. At midnight we were expecting fireworks or something but nothing happend so we just sat on beach chairs in the rain looking at a cellphone to see when it struck midnight. With a few minutes until midnight on the cellphone, we all discussed that cellphone clocks are usually always wrong and New Years probably struck 20 minutes before, but we celebrated the clocks New Years anyways. Well actually it was a lot of screaming for a minute or two then just went back to talking. On the way home from the airport on New Years day, the guy was such a bad driver. Like seriously he would accelerate on the gas, take his foot off and let the car slow down, then accelerate again then take the foot off. Not only can we hear this happening, the car was jerking back and forth. It was fucking torturous. Now i cant drive, i just turned 15 in december, but i could probably drive better than that. My dad was so aggrivated with this guy you could kinda tell by the way he was watching the guy drive that my dad was so close to tell the guy to pull over and that he will drive us home. It was annoying. Today i did practically absolutely nothing. And yes i could do nothing because nothing is something. I talked to thomas today on the phone. However i wouldnt really call it talking its more we were on the phone for 45 minutes but actually talked for about 10 of them. We kinda just sat there in silence. I was online and listening to music/watching the jets game and he was watching movies/patriots or whoever else was playing. All day i sat thinking about how i hsould be doing something athletic for rowing cause i have a 4k tomorrow or tuesday or something but it was one of those things i only thought about it and didnt actually do it. I did that a lot this past week. I would be lounging on a beach chair thinking i should be running right now or something, but im comfertable so im gunna listen to my ipod. I bought anchorman on dvd today and watched it like twice but then had to stop cause i couldnt stop thinking about camp-since we took a camp fieldtrip to see it in theaters. All i could think about was how this super awesome counseler who is also one of my good friends Aaron told the same lousy jokes all summer that were in the movie before we saw the movie. So when we saw it he had to stand up in the crowded theater and tell them again-as if we never heard them before. So yeah. Thats my vacation and now i needa get ready to go to school and prepare to start preparing to study for midterms-which bite.