May 08, 2005 20:05
happy mothers day!
except for another year of a shitty mothers day.
it first started with waking up at 6 in the morning. earlier than a school day fyi, to go to a race. of course we got there late cause the directions sucked and we got lost in the middle of fucking nowhere connecticut in towns i never knew existed. then we got there and its cold and windy and we are like great... so we strip down to our tank and shorts and are like omg its cold so we bring one jacket. we are idiots and failed to realize if we are freazing on a hill, its gunna be a hell of a lot colder on a lake. and since it was so windy the races were delayed by 40 something minutes cause the boats wouldnt line up. So we are rowing up and down a little lake for ever. Now before the race the boat even had problems. The cox box doesnt work. And ill expalin wtf a cox box is cause a major part of the population doesnt even know what rowing is. the cox sits in the front of the boat and yells ina microfone to us during the race. the microfone is hte cox box. so we cant hear anything shes saying. then the steering was screwed, like majorly. so now after an hour of shivering like and icicle, we try to start the race, but we kept losing out point. so you know now we are reallyf ucked cause nothing works right and remember its really windy so lots of wind means harder to steer and waves, not like its not hard enough. Our steering was so messed, we moved 4 lanes over and so in the end, i only rowed like half of it cause we were drifting so fast to other lanes. then the waves crashed into our boat. we were so wet it was as if we went swimming in the damn lake. and the boat had gallons of water in it. so by the first 400 meters in a 1500 meter race, we were already behind everyone and by 700 meters or something the refs were like what the fucka re you doing? and we are like we cant steer, we dont havea cox box, we cant race, we quit. and they are like ok and speed off and we are like assholes. oh yeah i forgot, we are going agaisnt the head wind! so its harder to pull and everything. so in the end we raced really shitty, so bad they cancled all the races after us due to wind. so by the end of the race, i was still wet cause all my warm clothes are wet and now my coaches are pissed cause we were like 40 boat lenghts away from everyone else and we were upset cause we worked our fucking asses off for like 2 weeks everyday during practice for this race and we fucked it up.
so now im in the car heading home when my mom calls cause my grandmas in the hospital. so not like the day coudlnt get worse after the race, my grandma fell and is in the emergency room. so half of mothersday i spent in the hospital. thens he got put on morphene and couldnt really remember us so we departed and ate lots of food at my house and played witht he new dog cause fyi i got a puppy (omg so cute). so yeah mothers day sucked and its not getting mcuh better. errrrrr