The Torchwood-related things I feel like pimping these days could be counted on the fingers of my armpit. Not that I don't think anyone's doing anything worth your time anymore: I'm sure they are, I'm just very picky about what really appeals to me these days, beyond a vague nod-and-move-on reaction.
I am reading some fic, which I hadn't really expected to. I've read at least one fix-it that didn't make me want to jump off the roof, there have been a few assorted pre-CoE or post-CoE fics I've quite liked, including some of the Jack-goes-looking-for-an-AU-replacement. (Especially now the WIP I'm currently reading has moved on from Jack having it off with an AU PC Andy and on to good old hardcore shagging with that hot-button favourite, AU Rentboy!Ianto. It seems that my anti-hot-button is fic where PC Andy is having any form of sexybiz with anyone - what can I say? He reminds me of an utterly creepy guy at college ::shudder:: I think it's the hair. And the lame, snivelling personality.)
So, here's that rare thing - a Torchwood-related post I do want to wave at any of you who still feel that stubborn fondness for the dratted (almost certainly dead) show and its dratted (assorted dead and not so dead) characters. It's a pair of picspam posts, by
thepyromanical1, which lovingly chronicle, annotate and illustrate a key motif and real highlight of Torchwood: namely, Ianto's sideburns. Season One is
here and Season Two is
here. No Season Three because, amongst all the other fatal failings and botches of CoE, maybe the worst crime of all is that some tasteless twat decided to get rid of the Jones sideburns -
look at it!
Shorn like a spring lamb! Compare that to the S1 and S2 evidence, and you can understand how, like Samson, thw whole show went to shit in the space of one week last year. They truly were The Sideburns That Held The TorchWorld Together.
Alright, it's not Descartes, just a harmless picspam. But it made me happy, the S2 one especially so.
thepyromanical1 has a good eye for the cute screengrabs, and the commentary is quietly dryly amusing but above all, it's affectionate - for Ianto, for the whole team, for Torchwood. Affectionate and teasing without being superior or sneery, that's what I like. If you like any of that too, go check 'em out.
Last but not least, I know GDL has been 52 shades of pillock in the last few years (and that is a charitable assessment), but the one thing you can't argue - in S2 especially - he is one hot, handsome coc oen. siiiiiiigh