I have a new icon. :D
School starts around St. Valentine's Day.
Taking Intermediate Photo, Digital Photo, and Beginning Drawing. Why Beginning Drawing? Because I like the teacher. ^^
That's 9 units, 4 mornings a week; Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Working hopefully 30 hours a week.
I'm going to
AnimeLA with Mandy and David. I'll be volunteering.
February 3rd I have a concert with Jarred, his friend, and Atari. It's Tiger Army and Imperative Reaction. If we can't get tickets, we'll just go to a club.
Kyle got me on a
PETA kick; I'm going to try and switch most of my products (soaps, shampoos, household cleaners) over to those that don't test on animals. What's the point of that? Well, there isn't a goverment mandate that says companies need to test on animals. That said, animal testing in and of itself is inconclusive and to a point, utterly useless for us as humans. Testing liquids on a rabbit's eye tells us nothing in regards to what it'll do to ours, as a rabbit's eye is virtually nothing like ours. Our skin has certain sensitivities that animals' don't, and vice versa. What burns their skin might be fine on ours. With that in mind, even if a product kills, burns, maims, or blinds an animal, they can still market it: They've tested it, and it's ok to market it.
And yes, there are other methods for testing products. Methods that involve human skin cells (or even stem cells), and not living, breathing, animals that are dissimilar to us. They're expensive, but they won't always be, and supporting the companies that use alternative methods will make it more profitable in the end. And there is a list of said companies.
*scratches head* I think that's about it.