Pacific Media Expo 2010

Jan 18, 2011 00:13

Ok so the last time I went to PMX was 2004, its first year. There was no Artist Alley, and by the time there was, the convention had not grown. At all. If anything it shrank. It's still doing ok, but they haven't expanded much, partly because they changed dates a lot, and locations even more.

So registration for a table was a huuuuge cluster fuck but thankfully
catnapcaps was splitting her table with me so we worked things out.

She came over the night before and we got ready with our merch and luggage. Drove over, checked in, got our badges, got our table, and started setting up a bit at a time. They had us starting to late in the day, it was weird. But they combined the swap meet with the artist alley so we got to sell all night, which was really nice. Also their tables were SO NARROW that they put two together and gave us more space than we usually get at cons. 8D

Had a lot of people come up to me asking about ALA since registration was going to go up the Monday after PMX, so that was interesting. ~_~

Lots of my ALA buddies were at the con,
rebootable was actually able to make it and stayed in the room with us...

Nothing really spectacular happened, other than decent amounts of sleep. Sold a few things at the swap meet, found a Vagrant Story strategy guide for $5 (I was so excited!), and then a FF12 guide for ~$15. Those were my only purchases. The Dealer's Hall was... OK, but catered to Lolita and fashion more than anything else. There were a few manga booths but they had nothing I needed.

On Saturday
sanjicat and I hung out for a bit and talked about rooming with Kevin from ALA Signage, for ALA.

I didn't do too well in sales but I mostly made back the cost of the con/hotel, the bulk of which CNC paid for since I was driving her. >_> Made a few new buddies though :3

Rebootable took CNC home on Sunday and that was that. 3 days of PMX, over.

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artsy fartsy crapola, anime los angeles, pacific media expo

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