I think I'm going to go sell a kidney

Aug 04, 2009 03:19

I NEED to go to dragon con this year! I just found out that
Kathy Olivas
Brandt Peters
Tara McPherson
Huck Gee
and Brian Pulito
will ALL be there!! these people are a list of some of my favorite all time Toy Designers, Illustrators, Fine artists, graphic artists,and comic artists, current and past! these people create things that can instantly trigger a response in me upon first fucking glance.. They all possess a talent that I myself hope to hone one of these days. These are people who have inspired my current need for formal training. And they are all around FUCKING AWESOME!!
I'm not even hitting the horror geek tip of the ice burg, cause it pales in comparison at the people above.
I'm not only green with envy, but I think I might be fucking sick at the thought of missing out on this.
anyone need a kidney?

things i'm too poor to do

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