The Rumors are not True....some investigating I have done (about the church)

Dec 19, 2005 16:07

Have'nt been posting much the last week have been really buisy with friends work etc, as you can imagine that's how it works in retail this time of year.

Anyhow as for the title, I decided I would visit the church again and no I am not changeing my allengences once again I will explain why. I went to see if the rumor of the church haveing a "power noise room" was true. Nothing could be further from the truth, when I got there I heard some hard industrial not really too bad but it only lasted maybe 3 songs, and then I had to wait a long time through the usual crap in both rooms untill I heard SINA, and Aryia which shocked the hell outta me, but beyond that I was not impressed at all. There is no change of format for the church it the same old crap it was a long time ago. I will agree there is usually more women at the church but they are stuck up as hell so It does not benifit me anyhow (I'll comment about this more later) So it's a good thing I did not waste my money to get into the church as I would have been really pissed off, I used the free pass that I had. Sorry to the DJs at the church It's not that you suck, you just don't play nearly the ammount of good music that I like to normally hear in rock islands basement although I will hand it to DJCrash? in the main room for at least playing some form of hard music although nothing more than any other usual club, just playing some less known songs but not as many as I was expecting.

I know this sounds strange beacuse about a year ago at this time I was curseing rock island and loveing the church but allengences do change just like ancient fuedal armies on Japanise bettlefeilds or in ancient greek battles. As I have stated before and I say again my allegence is too the music, and more that than anything else, and also I am going to go were my friends go and I feel appreciated right now that seems to be rock island so as long as dave and sarah are down there I will keep going there. In fact as far as dave and sarah go I know I will hear my Terrorfakt of Feindflug for the evening, and that is a very good thing to me I get kinda annoyed if I don't hear it. That's not saying dave and sarah play them all the time but I know I will hear them more often than not it seems they don't get any airtime at the church anymore, so I've heard anyhow lately.

Another moderately funny story about last night some pretentious gothy girl sat down next to me and just kinda sat there probably waiting for some kind of comment to come out of me smokeing her cig. Of course she was hot but talking is a two way street and if she wanted to say something to me she could have, not sure if she liked my riveted out appearance or what. Anyhow I sensed a bit of frusteration from here as she was probalby waiting for me to say something first, I did'nt and kinda smirked a bit at her annoyedness, she eventually took off which was cool with me I don't think I like the "goth bitches" anymore lol j/k they are cool with me but a lot of them anymore especially at the church are pretty elitist. Anyhow that's it for now,

~Rivethead of the cammo pants and semi-long hair~
~Drummer looking for work~
~AKA DJ Kain~
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