So last week I had that meeting at CC and here's what came of it.
I'm going to apply to get into their MAT program and get a masters in art education (k-12, so I could pretty much teach whatever I want even probably up to community college). There's a few things I have to do before entering the program though (I'll be entering this June).
First, I have to complete the following classes/studios.
-FOUR art histories (three lower and one 200 and above)
-FIVE art studios (one ceramics, one jewlery, one painting, one photography, aaaannnnndddd ooh yeah fiber)
I'm in the process of enrolling in THREE art history courses online... while online isn't my favorite way to take classes, it won't interfere with work and it starts a month after regular classes start and since this came as a surprise and I wasn't enrolled in anything, I have to settle for that. I'll have ten weeks to complete the three courses... that's a lot of work... but I can do that.
I'm also in the much harder process of getting a hold of someone at UCCS to see how to get extended studies credit for a ceramics course offered at Bemis... that is not going so well, honestly, because everyone there sucks.
Second, I have to complete an indeterminate amount of time shadowing/volunteering in classrooms. The CC advisor suggested that I do a majority of my time in a middle school and then do a few days in high school and a few days in elementary.
I've made a few calls and hooked up with the art teacher at Holmes Middle School. I've heard less than great things about their system at Holmes, that it is mostly geared towards getting test scores up and not really towards educating and helping students. Anyway, she was the first teacher to respond to me, so I will spend half the day there tomorrow... and probably I'll try to set up a regular half day with her for the next several wednesdays. If it is good and I like her and she likes me that will be great, because I can spend a lot of wednesdays there and possibly get a good reference out of it as well as the experience and all that I need.
So, that's where I'm at sort of adademically and all of that.
I'm psyched about it generally, and also a little nervous here and there. The school stuff isn't so bad. I'm prepared to take out a loan and I'm prepared to buckle down and be serious and push through the next couple of semesters of really hard work. At least it'll be work I can enjoy... art work. =).
I'm nervous about the actual in class stuff. Like actually teaching... which is silly because that's the whole point. That I'd be teaching. But I've never done it before really... and that's a little scary. I suppose that's why you have to go volunteer, so that you can know that you actually want to be around kids all day. And I don't think I'll do badly or that I don't want to do it... I just am nervous about doing something I've never done before.
And kids are pretty scary. Particularly middle school kids.
Other things that are newish...
This last weekend was a three day weekend, which should have rocked... but instead it didn't really rock. Some of it did, but most of it was just annoying.
Justin and I spent the whole weekend together. Friday night we fought because he got pissed off about being in line too long at walmart and then was taking it out on me for like hours after the fact. He was yelling at me about not having a big mixing bowl and all kinds of other stupid things. Let me revise, he wasn't yelling AT me he was just annoyed and snapping and whatever... like you do when you're pissed in general and there's only one person around to take it out on. Anyway... I let him know he was hurting my feelings and he didn't care but then later he came into the kitchen and kissed me and said how sorry he was and please to not be mad and he was overreacting and all that. So things were fine.
Saturday things were good aside from one very minor thing where he made a remark that upset me and then that night we went to a friend's house and hung out and I got in trouble because Justin felt like I was belittling him in front of people when what I thought was happening was that I was joking around. And when I joked around everyone else joked around too... and he took it badly... and he was upset. So after we left he didn't talk to me except to tell me that he was pissed for the whole rest of the night. And it was miserable.
I slept on the couch for a while and then moved to the bed but I had to sleep all crunched against the wall because I was in trouble and could tell just by the way he was breathing that he hated me.
Next morning his eye split open again and we laid there forever, me still in trouble and him in pain, and waited for it to heal back up. It heals back up in an hour or two, generally, but who knows when it'll split open again. I couldn't help but fall back asleep while we were laying there and then I woke up and it was one and I'd wasted a whole day of my days off. We got up and I was still in trouble. I appologized and explained myself but I was still in trouble. Finally we agreed that we both have to be more aware of the other's feelings because we hurt each other's feelings unintentionally... and I wasn't really in trouble anymore... but it was hard.
Then we went to Salida, which is a three hour drive almost, and went on a hike up a mountain to a mine where a hundred and fifty thousand bats flew out and over our heads and down into the valley... it was fucking incredible. Seriously. Incredible.
Then drove back... then ate some brownies but just felt twitchy, not high, and so we went to bed... and slept badly... and then I was tired all day the next day and we just did nothing of signifigance.... looked at Guitar Hero but it was too expensive... went to the bookstore... ate dinner... sat in the hot tub... screwed... watched movies... etc.
So that's pretty much it.
I thought I had more important things to talk about... but I guess I don't.
I did bug Justin all weekend about living together. I think I might be wearing him down but its dumb. Its dumb because as much as I'd like to live with him, like I keep saying to him, I don't think it'd be a great idea for me personally at this point. Maybe its safe to bug him about it because I know he's going to keep saying no and that he just signed another six month lease at his place. But really I don't know if I'd be able to do it with school and things. I mean, I could right now, but what about come June when I'm at CC and after a semester when I'm student teaching... could I afford half the rent and half the food and half the everything... plus cooking and cleaning and stressing about him having enough space and etc.... I dunno.
I'd like to think I could. But who knows.
Anyway......... I'm done... my computer is pissed and about to die if I don't take it downstairs and also I've got shit to do.
Edit: I forgot to mention, because I always forget "non-news" that some people might be interested to know that I haven't had a single hive since my last break out two weeks ago tomorrow. I believe the no hives are because I haven't missed a single anti-histamine (five a day) since then (except today I missed the two morning ones because I overslept and was frantic looking for keys but seem fine so far). Also... I took out the ring birth control, which Justin and I hated anyway... and I'm back on the low hormone birth control pill. It almost seems like the low hormone helps to regulate somehow... because I do better on the pill than off... but I did worse on the ring and on the higher hormone pill (which may have been the catalyst for hives in the first place)... and that's the hive non news.