Have applied for a few more jobs (with a nonprofit org., and with a large corp. -- both of them headquartered downtown, instead of in the Deepest Wilds of Bellevue). Am still not stressing, which is nice. I still like my free time. Thank you, everyone who wished me well on the last one & continues to do so now. ^^
A lot of this is because I am so full of ideas lately. The crazy livejournal project I've been doing is going really well, and is teaching me a lot about expanding my range -- I'm not just writing porn anymore; there's a lot of world-building and learning how to manage a larger cast of characters and now it's looking like I might wind up with action scenes. All of which is awesome; these are tools that can lead to Writing More Seriously at some point, if I want them to. Have really started thinking that someday I want to try for publication. (And part of that is that I've just caught the buzz about a fandom author whose original work is being published as a trilogy of fantasy novels with admiring quotes from Anne McCaffrey and Stephen King on the covers. Slashers made good! Whoo!) Someday I'll be ready to try for publication. I can feel it coming.
The rain has come back to Seattle, after I bragged too much that we weren't getting any. That's pleasant, though; I'd started to miss it. Our house looks really pretty in the rain -- the view from the living-room window gives us the green tree, the red chimney & roof of the house next door, and the soft gray wash of the sky.
Also, spending lots of time with a variety of Earl Grey. Who knew there was so much?
The nearest Teavana was out of the Earl Grey Creme (with mallow flowers) that we've been jonesing for when we went on a trek after it, so instead we got some of their Mrs. Earl Grey (oughtn't it be Lady Grey? ...silly tea company), which has something else in it that looks a bit like orange peel but makes it taste like roses. Mmm.
And Kiwi's friend
sumi bought us a box of Stash Double Bergamot Earl Grey, which is one of those things that I don't think I'd have ever picked up in the store on my own, but am now quite impressed with -- the higher dosage makes the citrus note really prominent when you just smell it, and makes it taste like an almost entirely different tea when it's brewed. Am definitely a fan.
I think that's enough stuff for now. More news to follow when we have some. ^^