Plague of DJs

May 08, 2006 00:17

I'm glad to have some regular club stuff going on. It might keep me from having to replace my wardrobe with more girth friendly pants. It's also nice to hear the new music. I got some stuff myself as well. The new Suicide Commando rocks. On the other hand, I don't know why I keep on thinking that Covenant will put out another good album. Just the same old same old despite promises of them going back to their old sound. I really should use it to help me get to sleep. Okay, maybe it's not that bad, but I'm tired of being continually dissappointed by everything since United States of Mind.

The other side of having all of this club action going on is that we seem to be suffering from a plague of DJs. My thoughts on this type of thing has always been there, but only recently resurfaced with recent behaviors I've witnessed. There are certainly certain types of DJs out there. The ones I like best are those that love the music. You can tell by the way they spin, by what they spin and how they are always trying to keep up with stuff and often do more for the scene.

Then there are other types. Now I understand that some of this is highly generalizing and me creating motivations for actions, but I believe it holds true for the most part.

One is the diva. This it the type that generally plays only the top 40 stuff. One reason is because it's easy. Other DJs already did all the work of figuring out what people liked and they get to reap this benefit. The other is because they can ensure themselves that people like what they play. I really believe that these people have no real talent. Hell, I could play top 40 all night. I could have a computer do it for me as well. One reason I rarely put requests down is that I like to trust a DJ's skill in exposing me to music I might not otherwise hear. These DJs are the ones that rarely (if ever) beatmix or beatmatch. These are also the type of DJs that regularly will wander away from the booth while a song is playing. Even if the CD is skipping, or it goes on to the next track. I understand the bathroom break need on occasion, but these folks do it to socialize. That is all DJing is to these people. Something that makes them popular. These DJs are a dime a dozen and really don't bring anything to the music. They could easily be replaced by any of the others out there, or even a fancy jukebox.

I would also be absolutely ecstatic if I could go a month without hearing someone play Kathy's Song. I like this song, but it was overplayed 3 years ago and is still overplayed. It will forever be the center square in RIVET. Apop has a ton of other really good songs. Maybe it's about time some people actually found this out. If the problem is that people are still requesting it, someone needs to just hand these folks a copy of the song so that they can listen to it at home.

It's been a good while since I've had a good rant. I shouldn't have upset anyone since this doesn't apply to anyone I know or who is on my list. As anyone who knows me is aware of, I tend to filter this type of person out of my life. And if you are someone not on my list, who is offended by this, rather than get upset by it, maybe you should think of it as constructive criticism and do something about it.
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