(no subject)

Oct 29, 2008 16:16

I went to work at the vet at 8 this morning, got home at 9 and went back to bed. slept until 1pm, and had the strangest set of dreams i've had in a long time.

here's what i remember from them:

i am walking in the woods and know that something is watching and following me. There's a stream on one side of me, and really thick underbrush under a dark canopy of trees on the other side. Something comes splashing up the stream towards me and I take off through the trees and underbrush, hearing it come after me. I break through the underbrush into a field of flat green grass and keep running. The terrain changes from flat to rolling hills to sheer-sided mountains, but the grass doesn't change, it covers everything, even the mountain tops. The perspective changes, and I see an overhead "map" of my surroundings. There's a really big airport/hotel/lodge/office building and i change my direction to head for it. I can also see that the thing that's chasing me is actually a platoon of armored anthro bears and panthers, all black, and their armor is all black, but not shiny, it's really dull and for some reason it seemed more menacing than it would have if it were shiny. I got to the airport/hotel/lodge/office building and went through the big glass doors in the front, and walked right past the front desk, up the stairs and through a bunch of hallways and going through random doors to more hallways. I found an old-looking door made of older wood than the other doors, older metalwork in the hinges and doorknob, so i went through it and heard someone say "I hope she didn't go through his door, because I'm getting tired of coming up here all the time to unlock it. Nobody ever goes into his side anymore, anyway, can't blame them. Too many people come out changed." END

i'm in an old building, probably an old school or hospital-type building with lots of corridors and lots of doors that all look the same. (could have been an extension of the previous dream as there was not much real time between the end of that one and the beginning of this one.)I'm running with an urgent voice in my head saying "hurry! hurry!" The corridors were fairly dark except if a door was open, then all that came from the doorway was yellow-white light that washed that section of corridor in what could have been sunlight, but looking into an open door did nothing as all there was was bright light...not even a visible source. I take a sharp turn to the left, and all of a sudden there is a wolf/dog loping beside me. The voice is in my head again, and it's coming from the wolf/dog. he says to turn left again, and i do. he says to duck into an open door where the bright light is coming from, but i pass by it too quickly. The next open door we pass he jumps on me and shoves me into the room. as soon as we get through the door, it closes and the light goes out. everything is black. the voice in my head says to follow, and i get angry because he should know that i can't see in blackness. his tail brushes my hand and i grab onto it, and he leads me through the room, and, presumably, through another corridor because we walked longer than it would have taken to walk from one door to another. the blackness turns to grey, and then back to sunlight, and we're in what looks like a walk-in closet with all sorts of clothes, of all kinds and sizes, and some that look like they're really old, from different time periods and different places around the world. The wolf/dog walks to one set of clothes that looks like it's from the civil war, and says in my head "these are mine". then his edges start to shift and blur, and then an old black man with silver-white hair and wrinkled face and hands is standing naked in front of me. he grabs the clothes he said were his, and puts them on. they fit perfectly. then he turns to me and says "my name is Alexander Moran." I tell him my name and ask him where we are. He says "we're in his castle and there is no way out, except to change. If he likes you, then you get to choose what you will change into. if not he chooses for you." I ask him why I am here, and he says that the only way to get here is to come of our own free will, so only i know why i am here. Then Alexander looks frightened, and says he'll be back and not to tell anyone that i've seen him, and that i've never heard of Alexander Moran. he runs out of the room and changes into the wolf/dog as he runs. I stand still until i can't hear him running anymore, then turn to inspect the closet more. I hear a noise behind me, and turn to see another man, a white man with thin light brown hair and broken teeth walk into the room. he stops and glares at me. i can only look back at him with a blank look. he does not speak, but his voice in my head says "who are you? i don't recognize your scent." his voice reminds me of Igor from Young Frankenstein. I feel him flipping through my mind, my memories. his face turns angry and he shouts aloud "where is he! Alexander helped you! where is he!" I try to run out the door but he pushes me to the ground and changes into a greasy mongrel of a dog. i think that whoever "he" is did not much like this man. The mongrel's teeth are also broken, and they latch onto my arm as i try to keep them from my throat. I reach my free hand inside his mouth and grab a hold of his tongue. he gags and jumps off of me, i get up and am ready for him to spring again. he jumps and i roll with it, landing on top of him and let him grab my arm again. again i get a hold of his tongue, but he can't get up this time. I grab as far back as i can, and listen to him gurgle as i shove his tongue down his throat to strangle him. once he doesn't move or breathe anymore, i call out to Alexander in my head, tell him that it's safe. i hear him coming back down the corridor, and he stops at the door, tells me to follow him. i ask what will happen to the body. he says "it doesn't matter anymore. he's dead, and he will like you. tell me, what would like to change to?" END

there are small snippets of others that i can't quite get a hold of enough to write them down, but they're just as bizarre and fantastical. I've also been having nightmares of Freddie Krueger thanks to the old school movie that was on tv last week that i watched at Kat's parents' house. so between the nightmares and the really weird dreams, i've been sleeping fitfully. I wake up feeling as though i've had a full night's sleep, but also as though i've been running all night, which i suppose is not too far from the truth.

maybe writing them down will help, so if i have anymore, i'll record them here, and see what comes of it.
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