Sep 22, 2008 23:16
Brad moved in with us as our fourth member of the household, and he's wonderful. He promptly was ravaged by a cold/upper respiratory infection so is not feeling so good at the moment, but copious quantities of hot lavendar-rosehip-white willow tea make everything better. ^_^
His girlfriend Jen has been spending quite a bit of time here, and I really like her, she's a sweet gal, and gives wonderful back rubs *grin*
still like working at walmart, the people are great and i get a discout...which is always nice. the vet, on the other hand, the people aren't so great. even after 8 months of working there, i still feel like everyone is hovering over me, making sure i'm doing things right, and no one ever seems to trust me when i say i've finished something. and i also feel like those of the techs that have a degree or a certification are constanty holding it over my head that they have it. i'm sorry that they're too shorthanded and need me to stand in as a tech now and again, and thus far i haven't made any grave mistakes and i know well enough when to get the hell out of the way in an emergency, and i am perfectly willing to do tedious time consuming stuff so the important things can get done, but it never seems to be good enough. we have a "compliment" box in the back where we can write down things that other peole have done for us, or things that we notice others have gone out of their way to do for someone, be it a client or a coworker, and when we first started with it, i put in a couple comments a week, little things i noticed, or thanking the techs that have helped me with baths and grooms. i can count the number of comments i've gotten on one hand since we started it, and it's been six months since we started the box. it's somewhat depressing, seeing as i cover more areas in the 4-5 hours a day i'm there, cover more kennel shifts than anyone else, deal with the least favorite animals in baths and groom the grossest dogs i think i've ever seen in my life...and everyone else gets recognized for being cheerful for a day, and knowing what to do in an emergency. most of the time, if i'm available in an emergency, i'll take it upon myself to sit in the room with the client and talk, keep them focused on something other than "omg my pet is in pain"
I suppose I should say that in the moment, i get all the thanks that I need from the client, realizing that I am there for THEM and no one else at that moment in time. It comes down to me wanting to be able to do that for more people, AND do something a little more along the line of behavior, rather than making the cute little Maltese or Poodle into an accessory for the rich snobs who, for a tip, empty their pockets of dimes and nickels and tell me to get myself a cup of coffee. *doesn't even like coffee*
so i guess what this is all leading up to is that i'm going to be applying to Bay Area in hopes that I can land a job that somehow involves behavior and/or training of critters of the canine persuasion. Plus it would be nothing short of AWESOME to work with Oz *happy chirp!*
on a somewhat grimmer note, Kat is working very long weeks in Bayfield, so our nights together will be few and far between for the next couple of weeks. such is life i suppose, but that doesn't change how much it sucks wanting a hug and a kiss and not being able to get them, or to roll over in the middle of the night expecting a body to be there to curl around....and finding nothing but chilled blankets. i need to stop depressing myself...griping won't change a thing.
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
on that note, i'm going to finish my tea, and go read my book before bed.
PS speaking of books, one of my coworkers at walmart likes and reads the same books that i do. she and i share a passion for the same authors, and we had a wonderfully nerdy conversation on our lunch break about Melanie Rawn and Marion Zimmer Bradely and Robin Hobb. *total Squeeness!!*