this sing would be to an accustic like this
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I trusted that it wouldn't end
had faith in your words
had faith in you friend
as we sat by the sea
your arms around me
your promises fresh in my sore head
Showed you your first shooting star
showed you how to laugh
as your world fell apart
gave you reason to trust my intent
my promises fresh in your(raw beaten)heart
so long
my friend
your words sea beaten
mine still stand
so long
my friend
I should be angrier
I should be leaving you behind
I should be verbalizing this to you
but i just cant be unkind
no prizes for guessing the inspiration to this one
that guy arranged the cinema thing with me and let me down, has not responded to my last few texts (weeks apart i think) and came online but didnt speak to me
i think i can safely say i am being pushed away which hurts because i have stepped back and been really understanding about everything.
he promised he wouldnt push me away and i trusted him to be telling me the truth, i think he meant it at the time but i dont know whats going on anymore and to ask would be me persuing him and i cant really can it since its so clear he is distancing himself from me
its confusing and sad, there was a time we were eachothers closest friend
we had an honesty that made me tell him how i felt and made me not judge him for making the pass at me while still in his relationship but i feel like that understanding was all for nothing, my sticking my neck out and my patience have all been wasted
i am angry but i cant hate seems pathetic and maybe it is
he reached out for me at a time when my emotions were fragile as well as his
he understood.....i guess he has more to loose but i wish he would remember that i have lost everything in this whole situation
i remember the moments we had as friends, they seemed meaningful at the time
he even said they were...was that all lies or has he just distanced himself even though we did get genuinely close...i am usually a good judge of character and intent
maybe he is just as stuck as me.....but has loyalties to think of
but then maybe he should explain this to me...he has to know how upsetting this is
after today its three months i have to not contact seems strange he came on tonight, it was difficult not say hi but i think it has to be up to him now, i have done enough these few months since he stopped reaching out to me...its going to be hard but i have to do it
i guess i shouldnt feel so bad, i did the right thing and couldnt have known this was going to happen.....its his choice and i cant change it for him...any would i want to
i want what i thought we had, a 2 sided connection...this isnt it
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i am going to make dinner now
would like to note that i actually had a good day today, fundraised for work and did a photoshoot for the news to do with the sleepout :)
maybe i do need a rebound random....i mean this abstanance thing has obviously not worked since its 5 months later and it still hurts
where can i find cute men up for fun...oh right...everywhere....silly me
shame i find it hard to be attracted to someone without a connection...oh why must i be so complicated!!