Nov 01, 2006 16:36
All these thoughts and all these feelings running through my head....
It seems though, that they make me feel nothing, in the end.
I want to feel....something. I want to be somewhere. I want to talk to...people. But people are why I am like this. No, my reaction to people is why I am like this.
In a new situation, I do the same thing everytime. In unfamiliar places I react the same. Remove emotion, feeling, and trust from the situation until I am comfortable....then blast it all in at once. Now, it takes quite a while for me to get comfortable in the presence of something new. But I have a new way of looking at this.
If people don't learn from their experience, they will never progress.
This is why the world is in the state it is in.
The world as a whole has never learned from their experience. They never learned how to look outside the box. Not their box; EVERYONE's box. Why have there been so many wars. Why? Sure we have learned from our experience, learned how to make war easier for us to win, how to make us stronger, how to make the "good guys" win. But we still have not looked outside of the box. What if war is not the answer? What if we agreed to disagree? What if we were one world instead of hundreds of countries? What if there was one government to rule this world? I suppose with the belief systems and political systems in the shape they are in in today's world, this would be extremely difficult to implement, however, I think it would be the only thing that will keep us form destroying ourselves. Or make us destroy ourselves, which we are already doing anyway, so what the hell is the difference?
Anyway, back to my lil life.
My experience has taught me to take things with ease, to take things slow. If I jump into something too fast, my experience has taught me that it is doomed to fail. I cannot force things to happen as I want them to. I have to just let them happen and then I can react to it. That is what life is, a chain of reactions. Which will result in experience, which we need to remember and learn from.
So, here's to a new Michelle..a confident Michelle, a stronger, bolder, happier Michelle.
Anyway, on a less thought provoking note; I have a bally's membership now. So, I will be going to the gym with Dawn and Robin as much as possible. I'm making an appointment with a personal trainer this week or next to tell me what I need to do to be healthy again. I'm very excited, a goal finally. I love goals.