I'M BACK, I'M BACK, I'M BACK!!!....in Florida that is. XD

Jul 27, 2011 17:50

well this is certainly a month or so overdue, ne? >.<
i'm back in Florida now suffering along with all the humidity-saturated folks. le sigh. i hate the weather here. in any case, back among friends and family weighs out against said hated meteorological evil! for those who care (or actually read this tripe), i'm still in the nanny business. it seems to be where i fit best, my niche i guess. so there's your update in short and sweet fashion! on to other business then, shall we?

soon i shall be posting another story prompt product of awesomeness!!!....i hope. we'll just have to wait and see how that goes i guess. *shrugs* it's the.....(O.O)! what the hey! my stereo thingy just decided to shut off!!!....if it didn't like the song i was playing it coulda just said so. meany machine. *goes to hit it* ........nothing.....*hits it again*.....*new song plays*....that's better. ^w^ i forgot whatever i was going to blabber on about before the malfunctioning radio incident so i'll just leave it at this bit for now.

~Ta Then~


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