Jaquie is with stupid!!
and you wanna know why¿¿
Here it goes:I was on
Doms Site tonite..and i was like ok..ill post on Colts thread..yea stupid me went to reply..and what did i do..started a whole NEW topic..so who felt dumb..i did i did! **HONDA WHORE**
Iam getting a car for my bday...NOT...iam gonna go buy a little matchbox car thats a Honda..so i had a honda..and ask Dom if i can have a 'Pa-Hondas' sticker for my car!!Think he will laugh at me..HELL YEA!
So..we MITE go to Carlise this saturday..6 hour car ride in back of the CRX mite hurt a bit!Right now,iam not sure if we are going!!
Jaquie needs money like whoa...
Heres exactlly why:
*She needs to buy her house offa her sister thats $30,000 and that would get the furniture to..*It would Keep Mikes Mouth shut*
*She needs a car she can drive thats $4000
*cable bill-$340 (due by the 16th)
*electric bill-$30
*gas bill- nothing yet..account credited $27
So..Heres Our Plan:If you have any old stuff you would like to get rid of that we can sell at the flea market please let us know!!!It would help out so much and mean so much to us!!So get in touch if you can!~thanks~
Other than that..What else is bothering me..
My bday is in 7 days(whatcha getting me?)!I'll be 18..Bigg deal!!
Hm...Didnt get to talk to The Mike tonite..:'(!
I fell on my ass going down the steps..it kinda hurt like whoa..
Iam dancing around my room in my pretty underware..YES i rock..
Ok time for bed..I HAVETA go to class today..*dammit*