Apr 10, 2006 19:34
Okay, so anyway, David and I have been dating almost three months. Which is amazing. Because normally after a month of being around any guy in particular I get bored and find someone else to entertain me. I have social ADHD, I swear. (Exceptions to the rule of one month include David, Jay, and...erm...that's it.)
To tell the story about how he asked me out. Well, he didn't. He asked my parents if it would be okay to take me out sometime and perhaps all the time if we agreed to another date. (Please, that little "let's have another date sometime" thing was set in stone before he asked my Uncle in the first place.)
But that comes later in my story.
Where I last saw David before my birthday party was about half a year ago, in the middle of summer, at a bowling alley with a bunch of our mutual friends. (It's an entry in here somewhere.) Anyway, David was about six feet tall by then, his hair was short because WCA had ordered him to cut it, and he was simply fifteen years old to my sixteen. We fooled around like normal (he has the most brilliant sense of humor anywhere and proof of this is later in the story.) and I sat on his lap, which is so comfortable because my butt isn't bony and his legs are pretty strong and nice and...ahem.
So that was the last time I saw him was when he was six feet tall with his short dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and pale skin and all his Nordic glory.
Fast forward to half a year later, after we've been talking for about three weeks and decided that we acted on the feelings we've had for one another since a year and a half ago. He only remembers my auburn hair, mischievious eyes and short, curvaceous form. I remember everything because I'm crazy like that.
I invited him to my seventeenth birthday party, held by moi et mes parents. It's a toga party, with me dressed up in a white bed sheet with a golden braid tied around my waist and a leafy crown upon my brow. At five thirty, he shows up and every person clammers about him. I was upstairs, getting another girl ready in her toga because she didn't know how to put one on and musing over my nervousness when Aunt Laura came upstairs and said, "Hey, Birthday girl, go see David because he looks awkward." To which I thought, "Oh...cripes...What if I'm not good enough for him? What if he's disappointed?"
So I rush downstairs, catching a glimpse of David and try to hide my shock by helping Charis with her toga and pining it on before nervously turning around to see almost everyone around my boyo who does indeed look awkward and Nordic and very, very, very tall.
He grew four inches.
And his hair grew back to its down-to-the-bottom-of-his-ears-in-golden-brown-ringlets-that-rival-mine state.
He was so tall he practically had to lean down so I could pin his toga on. Alas, we stood in the foyer of the house for awhile, mostly because he was talking to Linny and Anne and and I was talking to Manda and Linny and Charis and Kelse so we both really couldn't move in the huge mass of people in my foyer. So I bravely (imagine Joan of Arc on a rock, shouting to the people of France about deliverance from God Almighty with her sword pointing to the heavens in a glimmer of dancing sunlight and that's me in my toga) said, "Okay, let's finish our movie, shall we?" So everyone flooded out of there long enough for David to hand me my present which was of oil and an oil lamp (YAY! I'm so weird) and then I smiled nervously and said, "Um, do you want to come watch the movie? We're watching Van Helsing."
And he agreed. He sat on the fireplace hearth while I sat closest to him on the couch and about thirty minutes into the movie he finally had the guts to take my hand and hold it and he did this little stroking motion with his thumb in my palm and then over the back of my hand. MEOW! Fire, sparks, mew. Nice.
Later on, we were downstairs watching the people play DDR while we cuddled. I sat on his lap, he was touching my neck, wrapping an arm around my waist, all sorts of chaste stuff and I was so happy.
Anyway, so then after that bit, we ate ribs and baklava and cake and ice cream and had a grand time with me pretending to be a bartender with the tea. And at one point we talked about sunsets and sunrises.
David makes the comment, "I hate science. It ruins everything for you. It's like, 'Wow, look at the random collection of pollution in the atmosphere and how it sets the sky afire with the death of the world. Quick now, everyone grab some arsenic." And he was completely serious about it too which made me choke on my tea abit because, sad as it was, it was hilarious.
Skip forward two hours when he has to leave and just before he does he enters the kitchen (I went to the living room) and he spoke with my uncle. I didn't hear a word they said but according to David and my Uncle it went like this:
David: Hi, Mr. ____. I was wondering if you would mind if I took Traci out sometime and if I could date her.
My Uncle: Oh...Well, sure but I'm not the one you should be worrying about. My wife is the one you should be.
David: OH! Well, the way Traci was going on you'd think you were the most dreadful thing on the planet.
My Uncle: Yes, that's why we call her our drama queen.
David: Alright then. (leaves kitchen, meets my anxious gaze, smiles a bit and says) Goodbye dear! (waves cheerily and leaves)
And the next day we went to a play with Jay as the lead and I got my first kiss but that's a different story.
Hey, anyone know any good, alive RPG text places? Man, I miss rpging.
My Uncle: