Jan 03, 2006 18:08
More progressions on my possible trip to Ireland for five weeks...Great Scot I really want to go but I fear travelling by myself. I'm not very good at taking care of myself. I mean, Jay and Manda had to teach me how to ask for movie tickets from the person that gives them to you.
Apparently the person thought this cute because when I walked over and said quickly, "One student for Memoirs of a Geisha please," she smiled and said "Honestly, I won't bite. It's adorable that you're so worried about it but don't." And then I sorta stared at her like she was crazy and said, "Um...okay. Can I have my ticket now?"
My opinion on Memoirs:
Brilliant. Absolutely gorgeous shots and wonderful (in my opinion) acting. The Chairman was a cutie (despite the fact that I read somewhere that he recently married Minami Kaho who's devastatingly pretty) and Ziyi Zhang gorgeous like always. The blue eyes looked odd but then that's because normally Asian people have brown eyes but they were pretty too. Very vibrant. (go colored contacts, not like I have colored contacts but if I did, I'd get the really cool red kind and scare people for fun.) One of the shots that I really liked was when they were washing the kimono silk in the river and the camera slowly traveled up the length of the silk in the river so that it seemed like the camera wasn't moving at all. It was so pretty!
I was a bit miffed that they had her do the bad thing at the end with an American, which isn't right at all because she was supposed to do it with a Japanese businessman but...grr...I guess they couldn't find anyone with a weird jaw like the guy in the book. Murf.
Hatsumomo was a jerk, but her hairstyle made her look a little, um, drugged. I couldn't remember if she was banned from the okiya for the reason they display in the movie. I lent the book out to Ron so I can't look at it, point at the passage and say, "You're wrong, clearly...."
Jay gave me a photo album for Christmas, Manda gave me a bunch of hugs (yay! Hugs not drugs!) and then I gave Jay "The Tale of Genji" and I gave Manda a large, purple glass cat with steel whiskers that's really freaky looking.
I gave Ron a purse and she gave me a Bast statue! *huggles Bast, who is her third favorite, the first being Sekhmet and the second being Isis* which I needed a Bast statue because mazah had one that I wanted but we couldn't find it at the old house.
I broke that bast cat's head off, accidentally, when I was nine years old and carrying it around.
It's head was knocked against a wooden dresser and it broke off. To which I sorta gave a yelp and then tried to hide it under my bed, which didn't work obviously, and then finally said to my mazah, "Mommy, I broke your cat's head off." And then gave it to her. After that she decided I should never play with the Bast cat and instead super glued Bast's head back on and then hid her faraway in a corner.
Now I have no idea where it is but at least I have Yaegaki Hime and Ron's new Bast cat.
I won't break this one's head off though. Instead, this Bast cat is being placed next to Yaegaki so they'll have company. (How childish does that sound? Wait, that was a rhetorical question, don't answer it!)
I miss Simeon and our arguments.
Strange, yes? Well, I think so.