Apparently, I'm an ENTP this week.

Aug 04, 2009 13:03

Your result for The Official Myers-Briggs Personality Test...


Extraverted Intution with Introverted Thinking

Approximately 3.2% of persons in the United States are ENTPs.


Quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and outspoken. Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems. Adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analyzing them strategically. Good at reading other people. Bored by routine, will seldom do the same thing the same way, apt to turn to one new interest after another.

At Their Best

People with ENTP preferences constantly scan the environment for opportunities and possibilities. They see patterns and connections not obvious to others and-at times seem able to see into the future. They are adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analyzing them strategically.

ENTPs are good at understanding how systems work and are enterprising and resourceful in maneuvering within them to achieve their ends.

Characteristics of ENTPs

ENTPs are enthusiastic innovators. Their world is full of possibilities, interesting concepts, and exciting challenges. They are stimulated by difficulties, quickly devising creative responses and plunging into activity, trusting their ability to improvise. They use their Intuition primarily externally and enjoy exercising ingenuity in the world. ENTPs are likely to be:

· Creative, imaginative, and clever

· Theoretical, conceptual, and curious

ENTPs use their Thinking primarily internally to analyze situations and their own ideas and to plan. They admire competence, intelligence, precision, and efficiency. ENTPs are usually:

· Analytical, logical, rational, and objective

· Assertive and questioning

ENTPs are enterprising, resourceful, active, and energetic. They respond to challenging problems by creating complex and global solutions. They are usually adept at "reading" other people, seeing how to motivate them, and assuming leadership. They can do almost anything that captures their interest.

How Others May See Them

ENTPs are spontaneous and adaptable. They find schedules and standard operating procedures confining and work around them whenever possible. They are remarkably insightful about the attitudes of others, and their enthusiasm and energy can mobilize people to support their vision.Their conversational style is customarily challenging and stimulating because they love to debate ideas. They are fluent conversationalists, mentally quick, and enjoy verbal sparring. When they express their underlying Thinking principles, however, they may speak with an intensity and abruptness that seem to challenge others. Others usually see ENTPs as:

· Independent, autonomous, and creative

· Lively, enthusiastic, and energetic

· Assertive and outspoken

Potential Areas for Growth

Sometimes life circumstances have not supported ENTPs in the development and expression of their Thinking and Intuitive preferences.

· If they have not developed their Thinking, they may not have reliable ways to evaluate their insights and make plans to carry them through. Then they go from enthusiasm to enthusiasm with little actually accomplished

· If they have not developed their Intuition, they may not take in enough relevant information, resulting in "insights" unrelated to current reality.

If ENTPs do not find a place where they can use their gifts and be appreciated for their contributions, they usually feel frustrated and may:

· Become brash, rude, and abrasive

· Criticize others, especially those who seem to them to be inefficient or incompetent

· Become rebellious and combative

· Become scattered-unable to focus

It is natural for ENTPs to give less attention to their non-preferred Sensing and Feeling parts. If they neglect these too much, however, they may:

· Not take care of the details and routine required to implement their insights

· Not give enough weight to the impact of their ideas and plans on others

· Be excessively and inappropriately "challenging and stimulating"

Under great stress, ENTPs can be overwhelmed by detail, losing their ability to generate possibilities. Then they focus on a minor or distorted detail, thinking that it is supremely important.


There you go! For even more information about the Myers-Briggs Type Index, you should visit

Addendum: You can also determine your Preference Clarity Category, that is, how consistently you prefer one pole of a dichotomy over the other.

If E or I is between 11-13, preference is SLIGHT

If E or I is between 14-16, preference is MODERATE

If E or I is between 17-19, preference is CLEAR

If E or I is between 20-21, preference is VERY CLEAR

If S or N is between 13-15, preference is SLIGHT

If S or N is between 16-20, preference is MODERATE

If S or N is between 21-24, preference is CLEAR

If S or N is between 25-26, preference is VERY CLEAR

If T or F is between 12-14, preference is SLIGHT

If T or F is between 15-18, preference is MODERATE

If T or F is between 19-22, preference is CLEAR

If T or F is between 23-24, preference is VERY CLEAR

If J or P is between 11-13, preference is SLIGHT

If J or P is between 14-16, preference is MODERATE

If J or P is between 17-19, preference is CLEAR

If J or P is between 20-21, preference is VERY CLEAR

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