[oom] New Moon

Apr 26, 2009 21:02

She's standing at the window, looking out over the Scottish landscape, watching the night sky.   The moon is new, and without the competing light, the stars are spectacular.  River kneels up on the window seat and touches the controls that bring the opacity down to zero.  Starlight isn't as bright as moonlight, but it's still enough that she can ( Read more... )

ryan, oom

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captainryan April 27 2009, 04:16:52 UTC
There's a shadow making it's way back from the now dark forge, a smaller one at its side. Neither seems to be in a rush, though they do break off to chase each other for a bit.

Eventually, the shadows break apart again and continue their way to the bar. Shortly after they've disappeared inside, the door to the flat opens.

River! Damocles reaches her first, saying hello rather enthusiastically.


riversinger April 27 2009, 04:20:38 UTC
Hi Dam, she answers, bending down to stroke his face and ruffle his ears with both hands.

Her eyes look up to meet Richard's. Hello, my love.


captainryan April 27 2009, 04:28:00 UTC
See, this? This is awesome. This is why having too people in the flat is such a great idea. Dam couldn't be happier.

'lo. Richard's watching them in mild amusement as he sets his night time snack on the counter. He's still grimy from the forge, but his hands are at least clean.

He heads towards River to give her a proper hello.


riversinger April 27 2009, 04:49:45 UTC
River pats the bench beside her, and laughs as Damocles jumps up and curls up next to her, leaning against her leg. "Well, I guess if you were there first..." she teases, winking at Richard.

He still takes her breath away, she thinks, looking up into his soot-stained face. He'll always take her breath away.

"Have a good day?"


captainryan April 27 2009, 04:58:50 UTC
"Spoiled." You're lucky I have to take a shower.

Dam just grins at him.

"It was well enough," he says, leaning in to carefully kiss her. He doesn't want to transfer any of his soot. "How was your's?"


riversinger April 27 2009, 05:05:35 UTC
She catches his shirt front, kissing him and nuzzling his chin, heedless of the soot. "All right, I suppose. I don't think I accomplished much of anything."

A quick glance would tell him this means three more books moved from the to-be-read pile to the to-be-returned pile.


captainryan April 27 2009, 05:11:24 UTC
It's so nice to have someone besides a dog greet him like that.

"Oh, only three?" He teases because he can.


riversinger April 27 2009, 05:16:33 UTC
"Yes, well," she grins. "Have you eaten?"

She's planned a little something, if he hasn't.


captainryan April 27 2009, 05:26:25 UTC
"I brought some paradoxes up from the bar, but I could go for something more.

"Particularly if I shower first." The longer he waits, the hungrier he'll be.


riversinger April 27 2009, 05:32:57 UTC
"Mmm, well... Then you go get cleaned up. And I'll have dinner ready when you get out."

Her eyebrows sketch a little waggle and he can scent she's plotting just a little.


captainryan April 27 2009, 05:44:31 UTC
"Fair enough." He gives her another kiss then heads for the bathroom, hoping that when he comes out his clothes won't all be green or something.

He doesn't loiter beneath the water and takes the door to the bedroom for fresh clothes, another tee and a comfortable pair of trousers. Nothing fancy. He returns to the main room with his hair still damp to have the smell of steak done rare lure him to the kitchen table. River's put candles out, light flickering over the food, and soft jazz echoes from the study.

"What's all this, then?" His tone is one of mild, yet happy, surprise.


He hasn't forgotten an anniversary or something, has he?


riversinger April 27 2009, 15:39:03 UTC
"Well, it's been a few months, and we've never had a proper date, have we?" She's in the kitchen, uncorking the wine. She's changed, too, now in a silk blouse and skirt, all in shades of forest green.

She returns to the table, leaning over his shoulder to pour him a glass. "I thought a little dinner, a little dancing, maybe?"


captainryan May 3 2009, 02:45:31 UTC
Phew. He hasn't missed an important date, then.

He still feels a bit underdressed.

"It sounds lovely," he says, a little distracted by having her that close. She smells better than the steak.

"Though I haven't been dancing in quite some time."

Nor is he particularly talented at it.


riversinger May 3 2009, 03:02:34 UTC
"That's all right," she assures, setting down the bottle and moving to sit across from him. "Me neither. I think we can muddle through, though." Affection mingles with anticipation in her scent as she smiles at him.

She knows he's hungry, so she picks up a fork and tucks in.

"So you'll never guess who I met in the bar today. Another Time Lord. Romana, Ray's wife?"


captainryan May 3 2009, 04:02:26 UTC
He swallows, clearing his mouth. "Really? I haven't met her myself, though Ray mentions her upon occasion. How did that go?"

The dinner is really good, though... "Are the paradoxes still on the counter?"


riversinger May 3 2009, 04:11:05 UTC
River quirks an eyebrow at him. "The little bag you brought in?" She reaches over to the bread basket and lifts the cloth.

She knows him well enough by now to know to serve the food he brings home.

"It went well. She's a lovely woman," she says. "Though now I know why he's so familiar with the sonic screwdriver technology. I remember him mentioning in passing that she was from Gallifrey, but I don't think it really occurred to me that she was from that Gallifrey."


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