I just woke up to a message from the plagarist. Ain't nothing resolved yet, but it could happen. I'm holding out for everything happening in public, though. I told her I want her to leave the gank up with credit and a link, or if she must take it down, she can write a confession and post that to the same places. Either way, though, she's gotta take the same penalty anyone else on Y!Gallery would take for the same infraction, and she has to do it in public. No calling it a vacation, dude, that's cheating. :D
She wants me to take my posts down, though, and that's just not happening. I'll make edits to update them with whatever resolution we come to, but the info's not going away. Sorry, buddy. Just stand up tall, say "My bad!" and have a laugh with me.
Edit: Oh, and can I also mention! At least two people have suggested to me that terrible fanfic mashups with my sex scenes should be a meme. And yes. Yes they should. I'll get the Jergens and tissues ready.
Edit edit:
http://riverside-hq.livejournal.com/361503.html?thread=4850719#t4850719 A very polite public acknowlegment. I'm assuming it'll take her a few hours to arrange to take her lumps on Y!G, since she has duties there, but basically it is so mature up in here, I keep falling down all this civility. :D
Edit LIKE A BOSS: Happy endo! I was mistaken on the penalty for that infraction; turns out it's deletion of the offending item, which she's done, so we're copacetic. Lemme quote her on the relevant rule:
The rule violation for this for anyone would be rule 6c. In the circumstance of an image, it would uncredited ref. In the circumstance of literature, uncredited quotes/excepts. What would happen in this situation would be that the offending submission would be hidden from the gallery and granted the 48 hour grace period in order for the user to apply their credits. If that's not been done after that time, then the submission would be deleted, which I've already done. The user would not receive a suspension penalty for this.
Any trace of butthurt I may detect within myself over this is fully counterbalanced by all the mean things I said about the fic, and Y!G is a better place for knowing the staff will own up to TOS violations just like everyone else. I mean... basically, the only way this could be better would be if free beer and burgers were to magically appear right in front of me.
So... I guess no go on the free beer and burgers then.