i just had this dream that i was hanging out with sean
we were sitting on a bench
and all of a sudden this guy - i dont know who it was but i did in the dream
comes up and he was obviously like an ex boyfriend or something
and he gave me this HUGE hug and was kinda making me feel uncomfortable
and the look on sean's face made me want to cry. he just sat looking like
he wanted to say something but he had no place, or like he wanted to but there was no way in hell he was going to.
so this guy just invited himself to hang out with us for the rest of the day and it was so akward.
and nobody said anything except for this guy.]
-written 2-10-05
fucking foreshadow. shit w/ sean has hit the fan.
but i wrote him a long ass letter today and now that i have everything off my chest, theres not much else i can do at this point.
but i must say its easy to get over because...
acid wash bottom
rounded sharp nose
tri fin
island glass rules
squash tail
shaka brah
ahhhh so glorious.
sorry i'm a little obsessed.
i cant even begin to explain the stokedness.
brian and paulo did the most amazing job.
i cant take it out til spring break though, the glass still needs to cure.
but still...spring break is 12 days 14 hours and 18 minutes
holy shit thats soon. i cant wait to be in puerto again.
MXRed125: sexiest board in the world
i couldnt have said it better myself. thanks scott :)
alright i better take a nap i had a long night.
peace and <3