come on baby now just ride with me

Apr 25, 2009 15:28

so prom was last night and it was the shizz , i saw a ton of my old bff's and i liked dancing and being gregs "date" lol

keith and me talked a crap ton on the phone while i was there though , i called him a few times when i got bored or was avoiding tyler (ex) and then i txted him when he was txting me about this scary movie ....oh and he left my drivers license in his truck so i am totally srewed if i gedt pulled over with no id

we got these really cool champagne glasses as a prom favor too

i am still at raes house until tomorrow and we are fixing to leave to go to hasting and maybe wal-mart ...i know this is weird and sorry to andrew who may or may not be reading this but i am thinking about buying a thong , i may start to wear them instead of boy shorts ..underwear is always weird but what is your favorite kind of undies ???? i am afraid that thongs wont be comfy

so idk but i am going to pick up a pair from wal-mart or goodys or something

we just got done eating burger king stuff and it was good , we ate mings yesterday and i had some gyoza and it was awesome i love potstickers

well how has everyone been sorry i have been off but my computer isnt letting me on lj and i dont know why ...weird

oh mom told me today that my paternal grandparents are buying me jewelry for graduation and mom said that it was really pretty ....i hope it is a necklace

well im gunna end it here but comments are love as always

graduation, keith, friends, prom, me, rae, life

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