meme and an update

Feb 17, 2009 15:40

meme from rae

01. What are your nicknames?
tater , tater bug, kels, figgy, satsuke

02. How does your hair look like currently?
It's pulled back right now from school

03. What's new in your life right now?
i have started drawing again , i forgot how much i love it

04. How many colors are you wearing now?
red white and black

05. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I'm 50/50. I always come out that way in the tests XD

06. What was the last book you read?
uglies was great

07. Do you nap a lot?
not really ...i do during the summer when my nights and days are all mixed up

08. If you had to have a one night stand with someone famous, who would you like it to be?
SHIGE!!!!! yes yes 100% but then again can you have a one night stand with your husband? no no i dont think you can so maybe matsujun

09. Is there anything that has made you happy these days?
my acceptance letters to diffrent colleges

10. What's your current obsession?
drawing and anime/ manga

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
20-30 minutes if i take my shower the night before

12. What websites do you visit daily?
Livejournal, yahoo mail

13. Do you write fics? What was the last fic you wrote?
No but i may start

14. What's the last thing you laughed about?
idk....keith probably

15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
untouched by the veronicas and the theme of genkiken

16. What's the last movie you saw?
confessions of a shopaholic

17. Would you enter a relationship with your ideal partner, even if you knew he/she was seriously involved with/married to someone else and would never leave them?
No~~~~ I don't do sloppy seconds or half-baked feelings. It's all or nothing.

18. What is your least favorite thing to do that you did today?
get in a argument with matthew

so the puppy is doing well..she is a yapper but thats a given , she is just a puppy

not too much to say right now ...i have stuff to do but i really dont wanna do it ...i want chocolate frozen bananas though..thanx rae!

i just ate some of those awesome shrimp purses and they are yummy

bryan showed me and amy Courtney's memorial page in the yearbook ..he let us design it and makes me sad . i dont want to think about it ...i just keep pretending she is on vacation or she moved away idk i hate this feeling

on an up side oneesama said she might come to my graduation on may 16th ..rae , when is your???? i wanna come!!!! oh and did you you wanna come to my prom? cuz i need to know ...i would soo go to yours!!! dottie said i shouldnt cuz i would ruin your night ...would i? if i would then its okay i dont need to go.

anyways i have to find something to drink im parched



graduation, bryan, food, school, meme, oneesama, prom, me, rae, puppy, amy

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